Monday, February 27, 2012
Women are not recognized for their production role in the economy. Their reproductive role is taken for granted and as naturally given. Both men and women are socialized in a manner which prescribed and recognizes the non-domestic public and economic sphere as the male sphere and regards the domestic as the non-productive non-economic female sphere .For the women in subsistence agriculture, it implies the reproduction of exploitative relations of production, -related differentiation in access the new agrarian technology patriarchy and power relationships between the sexes and women’s subordinate position in the family and society .Family income is a stream of money, goods, services and satisfactions that come under the control of the family, to be used by them to satisfy their needs and desires and to discharge obligations. . In agriculture, income-earning work such as planting, weeding, harvesting in the field ponding products like rice etc. in other household are taken directly in to consideration by women.
Women are not recognized for their production role in the economy. Their reproductive role is taken for granted and as naturally given. Both men and women are socialized in a manner which prescribed and recognizes the non-domestic public and economic sphere as the male sphere and regards the domestic as the non-productive non-economic female sphere .For the women in subsistence agriculture, it implies the reproduction of exploitative relations of production, -related differentiation in access the new agrarian technology patriarchy and power relationships between the sexes and women’s subordinate position in the family and society .Family income is a stream of money, goods, services and satisfactions that come under the control of the family, to be used by them to satisfy their needs and desires and to discharge obligations. . In agriculture, income-earning work such as planting, weeding, harvesting in the field ponding products like rice etc. in other household are taken directly in to consideration by women.
k as in 2006. The HDI is based on three indicators, namely GDP per capita (PPP US$), life expectancy at birth, and education as measured by adult literacy rate and gross enrolment ratio (combined for primary, secondary and tertiary education). The value of Human Development Index for India gradually increased from 0.427 in 1980 to 0.556 in 2000 and went up to 0.612 in 2007. This trend indicating improvement in the HDI powered by per capita income growth for India is heartening though there is no room for complacency as India is still in the Low Human Development category with even countries like china, Sri Lanka and Indonesia having better ranking India ranks a low 134 among 187 countries in terms of the human development index (HDI), which assesses long-term progress in health, education and income indicators, said a UN report released on Wednesday. Although placed in the "medium" category, India's standing is way behind scores of economically less developed countries, including war-torn Iraq as well as the Philippines. India's ranking in 2010 was 119 out of 169 countries. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic used to rank countries by level of "human development" and separate "very high human development", "high human development", "medium human development", and "low human development" countries. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide. It is a standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare. It is used to distinguish whether the country is a developed, a developing or an under-developed country, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life. There are also HDI for states, cities, villages, etc. by local organizations or companies. INDIA & GUJARAT 2001 Index value 2001 Rank HDM- 1 0.479 6 HDI 0.565 6 Income Index 0.241 6 Education Index 0.744 6 Health Index 0.71 6 Housing Index 0.266 2 Participation Index 0.434 10 HDM-2 0.585 6 Environment Index 0.241 13 Basic Services Index 0.744 2 Regional Equality Index 0.71 9 Patriarchy Index 0.563
As per the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Human Development Report 2009, the Human Development Index (HDI) for India in
2007 was 0.612 on the basis of which India is ranked 134 out of 182 countries
of the world placing it at the same rank as in 2006. The HDI is based on three
indicators, namely GDP per capita (PPP US$), life expectancy at birth, and
education as measured by adult literacy rate and gross enrolment ratio
(combined for primary, secondary and tertiary education). The value of Human
Development Index for India gradually increased from 0.427 in 1980 to 0.556 in
2000 and went up to 0.612 in 2007.
This trend indicating improvement in the HDI powered by per
capita income growth for India is heartening though there is no room for
complacency as India is still in the Low Human Development category with even
countries like china, Sri Lanka and Indonesia having better ranking
India ranks a low 134
among 187 countries in terms of the human development index (HDI), which
assesses long-term progress in health, education and income indicators, said a
UN report released on Wednesday. Although placed in the "medium"
category, India's standing is way behind scores of economically
less developed countries, including war-torn Iraq as well as the Philippines. India's
ranking in 2010 was 119 out of 169 countries.
The Human Development
Index (HDI) is a composite statistic used to rank countries by
level of "human development" and separate "very high human
development", "high human development", "medium human
development", and "low human development" countries. The Human
Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy,
education and standards of living for countries worldwide. It is a standard
means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare. It is used to
distinguish whether the country is a developed, a developing or an
under-developed country, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on
quality of life. There are also HDI for states, cities, villages, etc. by local
organizations or companies.
2001 Index value
2001 Rank
1 0.479
Income Index
Education Index
Health Index
Housing Index
Participation Index
Environment Index
Basic Services Index
Regional Equality
Patriarchy Index
Junagadh, Gujarat, India
Traditionally a firm used to get a component or product from its supplier or vendor but did not take the responsibilities to ensure at least minimum and humane standards that a supplier would offer to its workforce. Corporates argued that they did not own their suppliers and hence had no right or responsibilities to interfere in their workspace. Though there is a need for legislation and imposing certain regulations, experience has proved that if corporates or firms are not convinced about an issue that they will follow it in letter and not in spirit.But if govt. treats hem as erring children who need to be childed and controlled then they will behave in a rebellios manner.If both sides treat each other as mature adults then they will dialogue and
a comman, actionable agenda will emeage.THANKS.
The women employment
The recent scheme of part-time work for women of some state govt. provides a good example .
The scheme realizes the recent increasing compulsion for women to seek employment aue to economic nessecity. Women have to spend longer day outside home to work. The thrust of the scheme is this has increased the problems at home, the crucial problem being the care of young children,There are no sutaible and adequate facilities for children,The alternative to this situation is half-time employment for women.This would make it possible for women both to earn an income and also fulfill their responsibilities towards their children and family.Women may be free to choose between full-time and part-time employment depending upon their situation at home. The sexual division of labor and society remains intact even with women in the paid economy. Ideology adjusts to this by defining women as working mothers.And the two jobs get done for less than the price of one...
Mobile voice communication is widely established
throughout the world and has had a very rapid increase in the number of
subscribers to the various cellular networks over the last few years. An
extension of this technology is the ability to send and receive data across
these cellular networks. This is the principle of mobile computing. A
technology that allows transmission of data, via a computer, without having to
be connected to a fixed physical link is Mobile Computing.
Mobile Computing is a variety of wireless devices that has
the mobility to allow people to connect to the internet, providing wireless
transmission to access data and information from where ever location they may
be. Mobile computing has three aspects:
1Mobile communication-- The first aspect addresses
communication issues in ad-hoc and infrastructure networks as well as
communication properties, protocols, data formats and concrete technologies.
2 Mobile
hardware - The second
aspect is on the hardware, e.g., mobile devices or device components.
3 Mobile
software The third aspect deals with the characteristics and requirements
of mobile applications.
Mobile data
communication has become a very important and rapidly evolving technology as it
allows users to transmit data from remote locations to other remote or fixed
locations. This proves to be the solution to the biggest problem of business
people on the move - mobility. Wireless data
connections used in mobile computing take 3 General forms-- Cellular data service uses technologies such as
*3G Net work
(like WCDMA, EDGE or CDMA2000
networks are usually available within range of commercial cell towers. Wi-Fi connections offer higher performance, may be either on a private business
network or accessed through public Hotspot,
and have a typical range of 100 feet indoors and up to 1000 feet outdoors. Satellite Connection Access covers areas where cellular and Wi-Fi are
not available and may be set up anywhere the user has a line of sight to the satellite's location, The
introduction of mobility in data communications required a move from the Public
Switched Data Network (PSDN) to other networks like the ones used by mobile
phones. PCSI has come up with an idea called CDPD (Cellular Digital Packet
Data) technology which uses the existing mobile network (frequencies used for
mobile telephony).
Mobility implemented in
data communications has a significant difference compared to voice
communications. Mobile phones allow the user to move around and talk at the
same time; the loss of the connection for 400ms during the hand over is
undetectable by the user. When it comes to data, 400ms is not only detectable
but causes huge distortion to the message. Therefore data can be transmitted
from a mobile station under the assumption that it remains stable or within the
same cell.
telephony took off with the introduction of cellular technology which allowed
the efficient utilisation of frequencies enabling the connection of a large
number of users. During the 1980's analogue technology was used. Among the most
well known systems were the NMT900 and 450 (Nordic Mobile Telephone) and the
AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service). In the 1990's the digital cellular
technology was introduced with GSM (Global System Mobile) being the most widely
accepted system around the world. Other such systems are the DCS1800 (Digital
Communication System) and the PCS1900 (Personal Communication System).A
cellular network consists of mobile units linked together to switching
equipment, which interconnect the different parts of the network and allow
access to the fixed Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The technology is
hidden from view; it's incorporated in a number of tranceivers called Base
Stations (BS). Every BS is located at a strategically selected place and covers
a given area or cell - hence the name cellular
communications. A number of adjacent cells grouped together form an area and the corresponding BSs
communicate through a so called Mobile Switching Centre (MSC). The MSC is the
heart of a cellular radio system. It is responsible for routing, or switching, calls from the originator
to the destinator. It can be thought of managing the cell, being responsible
for set-up, routing control and termination of the call, for management of
inter-MSC hand over and supplementary services, and for collecting charging and
accounting information.
According to Quinn ( 2000)‘Mobile learning is learning
through mobile computational devices.’ Shepherd ( 2001) M- learning is not just
electronic , it’s mobile.The evolution in education and training at a distance
can be characterized as a move from d-learning to e-learning to m- learning. These
three stages of development correspond to the influence on society of
the industrial revolution of the 18th to 19th centuries,the electronic
revaluation of the 1980’s and the wirelessrevolution of the last years of 20th
century and now its mole revaluation. E learning is the state of the art in
distance learning at the time of writing.Mobile learning seeks to put in place
a new virtual learning environment for the future which might berepresented
thus. This will be followed by the mid2000’s by the introduction of voice input
and voicerecognition into wireless devices to create a more userfriendly environment
for learners.A first step in postulating a theory of mobile learning is to
distinguish what is special about mobile learning compared to other types of
learning activity..
Kynaslahti (2003) identifies three different elements for
mobility and all of these are valuable to teachers and students while they are
teaching and learning –Teachers are able to work anywhere even if that requires
access to the Internet or a connection to others kind of electronic environment
But the definition of mobile learning the focus should be on mobility. M
learning should be restricted to learning on devices which a lady can carry in
her handbag or a gentleman can carry in his pocket. So It is define mobile
learning as “ the provision of education and training on PDA’s/ palmtops/smart
phone and mobile phone.
When one is discussing the question of the incorporation of
mobile learning into main stream education and training it is important to
realize that these projects were projects. That is, they were research
undertakings to set out the first building blocks of a new sector of education
and training provision. The problem is that wireless applications are being
developed for wireless devices for all walks of life. Learning and training do
not seem to be high on the list of applications that are receiving attention
today. Isn’t it strange that all higher and further education institutions
today have frequent needs for providing information to their students about
timetable changes, assessment deadlines, feedback from tutors and other urgent
administrative details? Nearly all of these students carry a sophisticated
communications device which they use constantly in all walks of life except in
their education or training Programme. The answer to these questions that I
have been posing
about why mobile learning has not moved from project status
into the mainstream is well known. It is that mobile learning is not seen as a
satisfactory revenue stream for the telecommunications operators. The urgent
need for mobile learning is to emerge from its fragile project status and
convince the telecommunications Operators that it represents a viable and
valuable revenue stream.
1 A matrix for mainstream provision-
We have posed the problem of the status and acceptance of
mobile learning –we must now look for solutions to the problem. One can develop
a nine-point matrix for the use of mobile learning in mainstream education and
training. One axis is made up of the three types of devices that make up mobile
learning provision:
i PDAs
ii Smartphones
Mobile phones.
other axis is the types of education provision that can reasonably be provided
by mobile learning:
i Mobile learning
academic administration SMSs.
ii Mobile learning
academic summaries.
iii Full modules by
mobile learning.
is the presentation of full courses, or full modules of courses, on mobile
devices. This gives the following nine possibilities:
1 Mobile learning
for academic administration on PDAs
2. Mobile learning for academic
administration on smartphones
3 Mobile learning for academic administration
on mobile phones
4. Mobile learning academic summaries for
5. Mobile learning academic summaries for
smart phones.
6 Mobile learning academic summaries for mobile
7. Full modules by
mobile learning for PDAs
8. Full modules by
mobile learning for smartphones
9.Full modules by mobile learning for
2.Criteria for inclusion in the mainstream
There are four criteria for the inclusion of mobile
learning in mainstream education and training. These are:
i. Enrolment of mobile learning students in courses on the
institution’s official prospectus. This is essential for incorporating mobile
learning into the mainstream. If the mobile learning course is not included in
the institution’s prospectus and listed as available for student enrolment it
remains peripheral with the status of a research project in an isolated
university department and cannot be considered as part of mainstream provision.
ii Enrolment of mobile learning students into feepaying
courses. This is essential for incorporating mobile learning into the
mainstream. This is applicable to countries in which fees are payable for
enrolment in further and higher education courses.
iii.. Enrolment of mobile learning students into assessed
courses.. If the mobile learning course is not assessed with the same
procedures as other courses offered by the institution it remains peripheral
with the status of a research project and cannot be considered as part of
mainstream provision.
iv. Enrolment of mobile learning students into accredited
courses. As happened in the field of distance education and then in e-learning,
the achievement of accreditation for mobile learning is an indication that the
sector has entered into the mainstream.
3. The literature
The development of the literature of mobile learning has
high importance in the move of mobile earning into the mainstream. Mobile
learning will never emerge from its present fragile project-based status and
take its place in mainstream education and training unless it has a vibrant
literature. Deans of Faculties at universities throughout the world will never
accept the introduction of mobile learning into their courseware unless they
can verify the claims of mobile learning by consulting the research literature.
Similar initiatives are necessary for the literature of mobile learning if it
is to convince academics in universities worldwide that it is a viable form of
educational provision.
the rapid technological advancements in Artificial Intelligence, Integrated
Circuitry and increases in Computer Processor speeds, the future of mobile
computing looks increasingly exciting
With the emphasis increasingly on compact, small mobile computers, it
may also be possible to have all the practicality of a mobile computer in the
size of a hand held organizer or even smaller.
Use of Artificial
Intelligence may allow mobile units to be
the ultimate in personal secretaries, which can receive emails and paging
messages, understand what they are about, and change the individuals personal
schedule according to the message. This can then be checked by the individual
to plan his/her day.The working lifestyle will change, with the majority of
people working from home, rather than commuting. This may be beneficial to the
environment as less transportation will be utilised. This mobility aspect may
be carried further in that, even in social spheres, people will interact via
mobile stations, eliminating the need to venture outside of the house.This
scary concept of a world full of inanimate zombies sitting, locked to their
mobile stations, accessing every sphere of their lives via the computer screen
becomes ever more real as technology, especially in the field of mobile data
communications, rapidly improves and, as shown below, trends are very much
towards ubiquitous or mobile computing.
Major Trends in Computing
It is True that Technological
Inovations such as Interactive
Television , Vidio Image Compression already
imply a certain degree of mobility in the home, ie. home shopping etc. Using
the mobile data communication technologies discussed, this mobility may be
pushed to extreme.The future of Mobile Computing is very promising indeed,
although technology may go too far, causing detriment to society. In this article we
give an overview of existing cellular networks and describe in detail the CDPD
technology which allows data communications across these networks. Finally, we
look at the applications of Mobile Computing in the real world.Is mobile computing
just the latest fad?This paper is my attempt to answer these questions. The
tension between autonomy and interdependence is intrinsic to all distibuted
systems. In closing, it is worth
speculating on the long-term impact of mobility on distributed systems This
paper describes a mobile learning development and future trends of education,
where mobile devices are used for educational activities. The main focus of
this paper is to find out the problem of the incorporation o f mobile learning into main stream education
,an education an training.
Thus problem of the
incorporation of mobile learning into mainstream education and training has
been addressed in this presentation. The answer to the question ‘Why has mobile
learning not moved from project status to the mainstream?’ has been identified.
It is that mobile learning is not seen as a satisfactory revenue stream by the
telecommunications operators. Solutions have been proposed for this
problem. there are thousands of
universities and further and higher education colleges all over the world. If
they can all be convinced to accept mobile learning as their normal means of
communication with all their students on changes of timetable, submission
deadlines, enrolment procedures and other administrative necessities, a massive
mobile learning revenue stream will already be set up the production of a mobile
learning development kit for distribution to universities and colleges
to enable them to introduce mobile learning will set up another revenue
stream.the production of course guides, course summaries, examination
reminders, helps with difficult parts of a course, will set up another revenue
stream., the production of full course modules for PDAs, handhelds, palmtops,
and also for smartphones and eventually for mobile phones, will set up another
revenue stream.and the literature of the field needs to be developed, books on
mobile learning need to be written conferences like this one need to be
organized. The challenge to all of you attending this conference is to go away
from here convinced of the need to establish mobile learning as a viable and
valuable revenue stream for the telecommunications industry.
1. Quinn,C. (2000) mLearning: Mobile, Wireless and
In-Your-Pocket Learning. Line Zine.
2. Shepherd C. (2001) M is for Maybe. Tactix: Training and
communication technology in context. p.5
ડો. અમર્ત્યસેનનું અર્થશાસ્ત્ર
વિષય પ્રવેશ_-
શાંતિનિકેતન (પ. બંગાળ) ખાતે 3 નવેમ્બર,
1933ના રોજ જેમનો જન્ થયો તેવા
અમર્ત્યસેને અર્થશાસ્ત્ર વિષય્ક અભ્યાસ
1956માં કેમ્બ્રિજ યુનિ.માં પૂર્ણ કર્યો.તેઓ પોતાના જગવિખ્યાત
આંતરરાષ્ટ્રિય દરજ્જાના આર્થિક મેગેજિન ‘ક્વાર્ટરલી જર્નલ ઓફ ઈકોનોમિક્સ’ના લેખ દ્વારા તેઓ
આંતરરાષ્ટ્રિય દરજ્જાના અર્થશાસ્ત્રી તરીકે ગણાયા.શરૂઆતમાં દિલ્હી સ્કૂલ ઓફ
ઈકોનોમિક્સ માં અર્થશાસ્ત્રના પ્રાધ્યાપક તરીકે જોડાયા. 1960 થી 1963 દરમ્યાન તેઓ
અમેરિકાની માસેચ્યુસેટ્સ ઇંસ્ટીટ્યુટ ઓફ ટેકનોલોજીમાં આસિસ્ટંટ પ્રોફેસર અને
સ્ટેંડફર્ડ યુનિવર્સિટીમાં મુલાકાતી અધ્યાપક તરીકે જોડાયા.. 1971થી તેઓ લંડન ઓફ
ઈકોનોમિક્સમાં અર્થશાસ્ત્રના પ્રાધ્યાપક હતા.
1980થી 1988 ઓક્સફર્ડ યુનિવર્સિટીમાં ડુમોંડ પ્રોફેસર ઓફ પોલીટીકલ ઈકોનોમી અને ઓલ સાઉલ્સ કોલેજ માં ફેલો તરીકે વ્યસ્ત
રહ્યા. 1988થી 1998 દરમ્યાન હાવર્ડ યુનિવર્સિટીમાં લેમોન્ટ પ્રોફેસર ઓફ ઈકોનોમિક્સ
એન્ડ ફિલોસોફી તરીકે કામ કર્યું. છેલ્લે 1998થી આજપર્યંત યુ.કે. ની કેમ્બ્રિજ
યુનિવર્સિટીમાં ટ્રિનિટી કોલેજમાં માસ્ટર તરીકે વ્યસ્ત છે.
જ સેનના રસના વિષયોમા ગરીબોના કલ્યાણ અને શિક્ષણના પ્રશ્નોનું સ્થાન રહ્યું, તેમ
લલિત મોહનજી જણાવે છે. શાંતિનિકેતનના મુક્ત અને ઉમદા પર્યાવરણમાં ઉછરેલા સેનને આજ
સ્થળેથી તર્કબધ્ધ આર્થિક વિચારો અને વાતો પ્રાપ્ત થયા
“If you haven’t heard of him,
he’s known as the Mother Teresa of economics in his native India , and has
spent a lifetime fighting poverty with analysis rather than activism. Awarded the
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1998, for his contributions to welfare
economics and interest in the problems of society's poorest members, Sen is
best known for his work on the causes of famine. He is currently Professor of
Economics and Philosophy at Harvard University, as well as being a senior
fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows, distinguished fellow of All Souls
College, Oxford and a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, where he previously
served as Master from 1998 to 2004.”
1.2 સેનના અર્થશાસ્ત્રનો આછેરો
પરિચય --
પ્રથમ તબક્કો—1956 થી 1962-
1956માં 23 વર્ષની ઉંમરે “ ધ ઈકોનોમિકક વિકલી” માં
ડોક્ટરેટની ડિગ્રી માટેનો
શોધનિબંધનો આધાર લઈ સામયિકોમાં પદાર્પણ કર્યું. તેમણે સમયે સમયે 20થી
વધુ પુસ્તકો અને 250થી વધુ
સંશોધન લેખો લખ્યા. 1956થી 1958 તેમણે
પશ્ચિમની અને ભારતની દર્શન શાસ્ત્રિય પરંપરાઓનો અભ્યાસ કર્યો. જેમાં
તેના મુળ સત્યના પ્રકાશમાં તપાસવાની દ્રષ્ટિ કેળવી શક્યા. તેમણે આર્થિક
વ્રુધ્ધિના મોડેલો વિષે લખ્યું. 1956થી 1958 દરમ્યાન તેમણે ડો. કે.એન રાજ સાથે
વિકાસનું રાજ--સેન મોડેલ
રજુ કર્યું.
આ સમય
થોડા મતમતાંતર સાથે ભારતે અપનાવેલ “મહાલ
નોબિસ મોડેલ”
ને ટેકો આપ્યો.
ડોક્ટરેટની પદવી માટેના મહાનિબંધ –“ચોઈસ
ટેકનિક” (ટેકનોલોજીની પસંદગી”) નું પ્રકાશન કર્યું.
અર્થશાસ્ત્ર માં જમીનના કદ અને ઉત્પાદકતા વચ્ચેનો સંબંધ
તપાસતો લેખ પ્રસારિત કર્યો.
અર્થકારણમા ચાલુ મૂડીના અદાજો, શિક્ષણનું અર્થશાસ્ત્ર અને આર્થિક વ્રુધ્ધિના
સિધ્ધાંતો તથા ભારતના ઇતિહાસ સંબંધી લખતા
પસંદગીના ક્ષેત્રે કરેલા શકવર્તી પ્રકાશનો પ્રસિધ્ધ થયાં.
# બીજો તબક્કો-1963 થી 1970-
આ સમયગાળા દર્મ્યાન દિલ્હી સ્કૂલ ઓફ
ઈકોનોમિક્સ નો કાર્યકાળ તેમણે સામાજિક
પસંદગી ના સિધ્ધાંત ઘડતર માટે ઉપયોગમાં લીધો. કેનેથ એરોના “અસંભવના “પ્રમેય
પાદસે અટકેલો સામાજિક પસંદગીનો સિધ્ધાંત કલ્યાણ અને પસંદગીનો સિધ્ધાંતનો
કૂટ્પ્રશ્ન તેમણે ઉકેલ્યો. લોકશાહીમા સામાજિક
કલ્યાણ અને પસંદગી નક્કી કરવાના ધોરણો વિચારાયા.
1970માં ‘ સામુદાયિક પસંદગીઓ અને સામાજિક કલ્યાણ’—કલેક્ટીવ ચોઈસ એંડ સોસીઅલ
વેલ્ફેર’ એ નામનું પુસ્તક પ્રકાશિત
ત્રીજો તબક્કો-1971 થી 1980
સેને આ ગાળા દરમ્યાન વ્રુધ્ધિનું અર્થશાસ્ત્ર ,
મૂડીરોકાણોમાં ધોરણો, આર્થિક અસમાનતા ઈત્યાદિ વિષયોમા પુસ્તકો લખ્યા.
તબક્કો- 1985 થી 2000
સેને લોક્સામર્થ્ય અને લોકક્ષમતા ધ્યાને રાખી “વસ્તુઓ અને ક્ષમતા” પુસ્તક પ્રકાશિત કર્યું. આ પુસ્તકમાં સેને પુરાવાજન્ય અભ્યાસોની મદદથી
તેમના કેન્દ્રવર્તી વિચારોને સબળ ટેકો આપ્યો. સેન અતિવ્રુષ્ટિ કે અનાવ્રુષ્ટિ જેવી
કુદરતી બાબતો પણ નિષ્ફળતાને માટે જવાબદાર માને છે. 1987માં સેનના રોયર
વ્યાખ્યાનોના સંકલન રૂપે 1987માં પુસ્તક “નીતિશસ્ત્ર
અને અર્થશાસ્ત્ર” – ઓન એથીક્સ એંડ ઈકોનોમિક્સ “- પ્રકાશિત થયું. 1986માં કલકત્તામા ઇંડિયન ઇકોનોમિક્સ
એસોસિએશનની વાર્ષિક પરિષદ દરમ્યાન સેનનું આકર્શણ વધતું લાગ્યું. 1989માં એથેંસ
ખાતે ભરાયેલી વિશ્વ અર્થશાસ્ત્રના પરિષદના એક ભાગ રૂપે સેને “અન્ન સુરક્ષા” સંબંધી
પેનલ ચર્ચાનું આયોજન કર્યું.
નોબલ પુરસ્કાર મળ્યા પછી
તુરત જ તેમણે “ વિકાસ એટલે સ્વાતંત્ર્ય”- ડેવલપમેંટ એજઃ ફ્રિડમ”—નામના પુસ્તકની ભેટ આપી. જેમાં સેન કાદરમિયા નામના
મુસ્લિમ કારીગરનું કોમી દંગલો દરમ્યાન તેમના ફળિયામાં જ ખૂન થતું જોયું.ત્યારે
તેમને લાગ્યં કે જો તે ગરીબને રોજી-રોટી રળવાની આટલી ચિંતા ના હોત તો તે કોમી
દંગલોમાં શા માટે નિકળવાની ભૂલ કરત? સાચે જ વિકાસ એટલે વ્યક્તિના સ્વાતંત્ર્યમાં વધારો-
1998માં “ઓળખ પૂર્વેનો તર્ક”- રીજન બિફોર આઇડન્ટીટી”- આ વ્યાખ્યાનોનુ પુસ્તકમાં નિરૂપણ આપ્યું. 1999માં “ “ઉપયોગિતાવાદ અને તેથી આગળ “ –યુટિલાઈજેશન એન્ડ બિયોન્ડ”નામના પુસ્તકમા આ અર્થશાસ્ત્ર અને નીતિશાસ્ત્રની
અભિન્નતાનો વિવાદ દાર્શનિક પાયા પર રહ્યો.
# પાંચમો તબક્કો-2001 થી 2005-
સ્વાતંત્ર્યના ખ્યાલમાં
સામાજિક સાયન્સ માં અર્થશાસ્ત્ર કેન્દ્રસ્શાને છે , તેવું તપાસવા તાર્કિક ધોરણો
સ્વીકાર્યા અને “તાર્કિકતા અને સ્વાતંત્ર્ય” – રેશનાલિટી એન્ડ ફ્રિડમ “નામના પુસ્તકને પ્રકાશિત કર્યું. 2005ની સાલમાં તેમણે
‘ વાદ- વિવાદ પ્રિય ભારત”- ધ આર્ગ્યુમેન્ટેટીવ ઈન્ડિયન “-આ પુસ્તક આપ્યું.
# છઠ્ઠો તબક્કો-2006 થી અત્યારે-
ધર્મ અને સંપ્રદાયો આધારિત
ઓળખ એ હિસાનું કારણ બની રહેશે એવી ભીતિ બતાવી બૌધ્ધિકો ના વર્ગમાં સંવેદના જગાડવા “ઓળખ અને હિંસા”-આઇડેન્ટિટિ
ઓફ વાયોલેન્સ “નામની પુસ્તકની રચના કરી. The gains of those who have done
well are, of course, positive achievements, and there is nothing wrong in
celebrating their better lives. But an exaggerated concentration on their
lives, fed partly by media interest, gives an unreal picture of the rosiness of
what is happening to Indians in general, and this does not help a broader
public dialogue.
અન્ય લેખકો સાથે સહ સંપાદિત લેખો-
જીન ડ્રેજ-સાથેના સેનના સંપાદનો—
* ભૂખનુ રાજકીય અર્થકારણ-પોલિટિકલ
એકોનોમી એન્ડ હંગર
ભૂખ અને જાહેર કાર્ય- હંગર એન્ડપ્બ્લિક એક્શન
* વિકસતા દેશોમાં સામાજિક સુરક્ષા-સોસિયલ સિક્યોરિટી ઇન ડેવલોપિંગ કંટ્રિજ્
*ભારતનો વિકાસ –ઇંડિયન ડેવલોપમેન્ટ
* ભારત: વિકાસ અને ભાગિદારી- ઈન્ડિયા:
મારથા નુસબોમ સાથે સેનના સંપાદનો-
* જીવનની
ગુણવત્તા - ક્વોલિટી ઓફ લાઈફ
*આર્થિક અસમાનતા અંગે –ઓન ઈકોનોમિક ઈનઈક્વાલિટી
* અસમાનતાનું પુન: પરીક્ષણ- ઇન ઇક્વાલિટી રીએક્જામીન્ડ
*પસંદગી, કલ્યાણ અને માપન- ચોઇસ, વેલ્ફેર
* સંસાધનો, મૂલ્યો અને વિકાસ- રિસોર્સ,વેલ્યુ
આમ સેનનું અર્થશાસ્ત્ર એકંદરે ગરીબી, ભૂખમરો,
આર્થિક અને સામાજિક અસમાનતા, સામાજિક કલ્યાણ અને આર્થિક વિકાસ સંબંધી પ્રશ્નો જેવા
વિષયો સાથે રચાયેલું છે.સેન સ્પષ્ટ માને છે કે --
” ભલે લોકો પુનરાવર્તનો માટે ટોકે, પરંતુ જ્યાં સુધી
આર્થિક અને સામાજિક અસમાનતા ચાલુ રહેશે ત્યાસુધી તે સંબંધી ફરી ફરી બોલ્યા કરશું
અને લખ્યા કરશું.”
2. ઇંડિયા ટુડે-અમર્ત્યસેન15.જાન્યુ.201
3. Amartya delivered his speech as part of the London Stock
Exchange Group
series of lectures on the future of global finance, and
the evening was hosted by
LSE Chairma
Friday, February 24, 2012
Individuals are members of the society and their action affect
the society favorably or adversely. Commerce carefully studies this individual
action which is injurious to the society as a whole and recommends the methods
of their prevention. There are then certain commerce issues which are of direct
interest to the society. The problem of money is protection, incidence of
taxation, import-export, the development of agriculture, industries and the
like affect the society as a whole. Commerce carefully studies these problems
in the light of social welfare and gives its biased opinion. Since the most
notable trend of modern politics has become the key note of socialism, Fascism
and planned capitalistic economy. Socio-economic problems and macro-micro businesses
are fast increasing in number and urgency. Commerce learns all those
human activities which are undertaken with the object of earning one's living
are called economic activities. Economic activities may be professions,
employment and business. Business is an economic activity. Business may be
defined as "the regular production or purchase and sale of goods
undertaken with the object of earning profits. And Commerce faculty gives the
knowledge of wel-earnings with good business. Business has become indispensable
in our lives. Business has the capacity to satisfy almost any ambition of an
individual. The improvement in the business is directly related to the urge in
people to give the best to the world. Profit earning with consumer satisfaction
are the true goals of business today. “As the
economy becomes more industrialized and society becomes more complex, the
knowledge and skills required to deal with the situations also change. Hence,
for enabling students to acquire the desired capabilities, contents of courses
and their combinations need to be revised, diversified and made more flexible”.
1.1.1 The main problem of commerce
education is that Till yester years, commerce education is business
education. But, in tune with the needs of the business and society, independent
professions have emerged in the form of chartered accountant, cost and works
accountant, company secretary and business administrator (M.B.A.). Thus, the
cream of commerce has gone and it remained now as an academic discipline giving
general and liberal education.
1.1.2 The
another thing is that Commerce education
is a living discipline and is totally different from other disciplines. Hence,
it must charter new routes to service the aspirations of the nation. To man the
economic development of the country and to meet the growing needs of the society,
there is greater demand for sound development of commerce education in Indian
Universities. But, what has been going in the name of Commerce education is
only liberal and general education. Is that the objective of commerce
education? In the process of catering to everybody, we are not able to cater to
the needs of any body.
1.1.3. There are vast numbers of people both in town and
country who are brought up with
insufficient of food clothing and house room whose education is broken off. Early in order that they may go to work for
wages who henceforth are engaged during long hours in exhausting toil with
imperfectly nourished bodies, and have therefore no chance of developing their
mental faculties. It is broadly true that the destruction of the poor is their
poverty. Commerce by studying the causes of poverty and suggesting method of
their removal does real service to mankind. Post liberalization, the
relevance of management education has become more imperative, this means a
marked change in the way commerce and management education is perceived in
India.The period immediately following independence signaled the pressing need
for developing vast management skills. Ever after that, we have traveled a long
way and Indian economy is not just new but has become very mature and as of
present has become an international player. This is because of liberalization
and globalization policies and a shift from planned economy to market oriented
economy etc.The above calls for a professional approach, which can be brought
about by professionally run Commerce and Management institutions offering
commerce and management education. They help to develop information
management skills to execute tasks. Skills to solve problems. They help
in decision making process in a dynamic environment. They help in development
of human resource management skills. They help in developing creativity
/ innovation. become more professional in their business dealings. They help in
developing time management skills as 'Time lost is money lost'.. 'Customer is the king of the
business'. Now the slogan is 'Customer is God'. Commerce and Management
education is aimed at this by developing customer services management skills.
Thus the main objective of Commerce and Management education is to provide an
all round development of the personalities, so that they can manage the affairs
of the organization more efficiently and effectively. Thus its objective should
not be just to churn out technocrats and managers for the industry but also to
train the people to handle the problems with ease and comfort
Higher Education is basically recognized
as a service due to the fact that this sector has a huge potential customer in
the form of students worldwide. A.K. Vashist, Prof. PU. Chandigarh highlighted
the reform measures undertaken by the Govt. in the direction of world class
patents in India and their implications and impediments under the title of his
paper "Intellectual property Rights in India - Issues and
challenges". . To man the economic development of the country and to
meet the growing needs of the society, there is greater demand for sound
development of commerce education in Indian Universities. But, what has been
going in the name of Commerce education is only liberal and general education.The challenge that most of the technology
transfer agreements encounter is the task of indigenization of the technology.
While the technology supplier wants the recipient company to achieve the same
level of quality to be able to compete in the national and international
markets, the achievement of this goal is fraught with practical difficulties.
Product quality depends upon the quality of inputs and the processes adopted
and the quality of the raw material available in the recipient country not
being the same it becomes problematic to indegenize the technology.The
anther challenge is related with E- Commerce. E-Commerce as anything that
involves an outline transaction. E-commerce provides multiple benefits to te
consumers in form of availability of goods at lower cost. It looks Wider choice
and saves time. But the education of e-commerce faces the problem that there
are 2 main parts of e-commerce.(1). E- Merchandise and (2).. E-FinanceE-
Merchandise -E- COMMERCE involves connecting business using modern
communication.E-Merchandise involves
selling goods and services electronically and moving items through
distribution channels. like Telephone, Fax, E-payment -Money Transfer System,
E-data Interchange and the Internet shopping for groceries, tickets, music,
cloths hardware, travel books, flowers or gifts.. E-Financing –It means with
Online businesses like financial services, travel, entertainment and groceries
are all likely to grow. But it affects from economical factors, political
factors cultural factors and supranational institutions. It is effected by Banking,
debit cards, smart cards, banking machines, insurance financing action and on - line services.Thus
the education of commerce now become
wide and it needs proper training.The reasons for unpopularity
(i.)Craze for Medicine, Engineering , Management and IT
(ii) One group of
students believes that Unpopularity of commerce at competitive examinations:-
the syllabius of commerce at competitive examinations is not attracting even
the meritorious commerce students
.(iii )Commerce
graduates are not eligible for teacher training courses, such as B.Ed in many States like Gujarat .Because
mostly arts and science students get preference.
(iv) Commerce
education is a living discipline and is totally different from other
disciplines. Hence, it must charter new routes to service the aspirations of
the nation. . To man the economic development of the country and to meet the
growing needs of the society, there is greater demand for sound development of
commerce education in Indian Universities. But, what has been going in the name
of Commerce education is only liberal and general education.
(v) No preference or reservation for commerce
graduate either in employment or in admissions to professional courses like
C.A, CWA, CS, M.B.A. etc. So. Reserve people can not get advantage of that
(vi It needs the means of additional costs and efforts. Poor students or
economically backward students can not afford the extra fees for computer
classes, tuitions, or like this.
(vii ) High student
low teacher ratio.
( viii) Lack of proper infrastructure: - it is sometimes remarked
that many colleges are virtually
academic slums.
(ix) So far other short term courses have full
material, facility of distant education
and etc. like this Instruction in
regional media and adequate or availability of reading material in
regional media are not comparatively
(x). Inadequate teaching aids like commerce lab,
CTV-Video films.
( xi ) Untrained and ill-equipped teachers.
( xii) It is more content oriented rather than
skill and practice oriented.
(xiii ) Even the
content (syllabus) is not up-to-date. with latest scenario, availability of
E-finance, etc. needs keeping pace with the changing business environment with
latest technology to every students. So many a time commerce graduates are
found lacking communication and decision-making skills.
(xvi). Knowledge must
be improved time by time of teachers and
visiting faculty. Lack of practical exposure both to the teacher and teaching methods. I say that Perhaps commerce may be the only
practical subject which is theoretically taught without practical exposure.
(xvii.) There is a policy created by laws that in many cases
students who are not able to get seats in other courses like B.B.A. or B.P.N.A.
or C.A.integreted course ,then and then
they are compel to opting for
commerce without any interest. . In such a case it is futile to expect
wonderful results. They may be disappointed.
(xviii.) Commerce teacher is a jack of all trades: - perhaps he
is the only person who is expected to teach all the subjects. Like commerce,
banking, enterpreneyrship, business management or some time economics as
compulsory subject even if he or she may be interested in accountancy.
( xix.) Govt. should give sufficient of funds for improvement. Because I say
the Visiting teachers or Adhoc teachers
or Fix salary teachers or Part-time teachers Interested in teaching ,because they have no job
satisfaction.The senior experienced teachers are retired and new
recrutements are not satisfied their status so “” aavan-Jaavan” in teachers
community make dis -advantage to the commerce education.
commerce education is facing innumerable problems today. These problems have a
direct bearing on the course objectives, course content and course conduct.
These problems need serious attention and close scrutiny. It is high time for
soul searching for an objective appraisal which will provide the basis for
evolving a new strategy for giving a better deal to commerce education in the
years to come. Therefore, the need for an all-out effort to re-orient and
re-designing the commerce education in such a way that it will be relevant for
today and tomorrow
Economic and infra structure
Socio cultural factors
Political legal factors
Supranational institutions
Per capita GDP
Literacy rate and computer
The internet's democratic
nature incompatible with authoritarian political
UNDP-introduction of the
internet in many countries.
Availability of telephone and
English language skill
GATS-competition in telecom
Pricing structure
Viewed as a tool of cultural
imperialism in some
Tariff and non tariff barriers
to ICT products
ITA- reducing the price of ICT
Buying/selling online
Availability of credit
Intellectual property
Redress mechanisms in case of
problems in online transactions
UNCITRAL model law
Advertising and searching
Operating speed of computer
and modern size
Influence of language and
symbols used on site visited and purchase decision
Ban on some website in
authoritarian regimes
Products can be advertised and
searched globally on GTPN of UNCTAD
Payment phase
Penetrationrate of credit
Forms of payment: check, wire
transfer, cash on delivery etc,
Governments' concern on the
outflow of foreign currency.
UNCTAD smart card
Delivery phase
Delivery means and
Products stolen some countries
Tariff and non- tariff
Electronic delivery free
of custom duties in WTO member
Commerce Education in India was started in 1886, over a hundred
and twenty years ago. Since then it has experienced tremendous growth. Commerce
faculties are established in many Universities.
In order to understand the progress of commerce education in India since
Independence and its present position, we have to rely on statistics. There are the increasing number of commerce
students since 1950-51. The increase in enrolment is substantial from 0.36 lakh
in 1950-51 to 14.10 lakhs in 1995-96 and to 20 lakhs now. The enrolment in
M.Com and B.Com courses in India during last one and half decades. One
important feature of it is that the number of girl students in commerce is on
increase in absolute and relative terms both at M.Com and B.Com levels. The proportion of enrolment at B.Com and
M.Com levels. It is clear that about 8%
only are going for M.Com/higher education. About 92% stop with graduation.
Therefore there is a need to make commerce graduation courses more meaningful
and purposeful. The number of commerce students State-wise and the distribution
of students in higher education (in percentage
1970-71 Rank
1999-2000 Rank
Andhra Pradesh
12,545 8
2,55,574 1
469 19
6,938 17
42,010 3 1
26,450 3
1,642 14
15,690 15
. HimachalPradesh
186 21
5,972 18
& Kashmir
919 18 4
188 19
24,535 5
76,581 5
11,794 9
18,086 12
Madhya Pradesh
17,810 6
58,960 8
87,143 12
31,263 2
112 23
608 24
Meghalaya - -
728 23
260 26
Nagaland -
367 25
1,160 16
16,404 13
1,447 15
16,091 14
14,156 7
18,810 11
148 30
7,282 11
57,039 9
1,152 17
1,926 20
11,679 10
66,742 7
81,950 2
71,977 6
& N Islands
198 29
4190 20
1,615 21
& N Haveli
Daman & Diu
248 27
7,107 12
37,137 10
1682 22
1,325 22
Source: REVITALISING COMMERCE EDUCATION-- Vidyasagar University Journal
of Commerce
certain broad conclusions can be drawn:
i. Commerce is popular in industrialized States.
ii. Commerce is more popular in urban areas rather than in rural
iii. It has spread through out the country. Now it has taken
roots in all the States and Union
Territories, even though started late. Of course, thedevelopment is nor uniform in all the States.
iv. If we analyze the enrolment during the last two decades
in percentage terms, commerce share in
total enrolment has increased from 17.1%
in 1975-76 to 21.9% in 1995-96, and 25% by 2005-06, whereas all other faculties exhibited either a marginal
decline or status quo.
Thus, a single discipline-commerce, which
accounts for about 25% of the total enrolment in higher education, unlike Arts
or Sciences consisting of many departments,
unfortunately is not getting adequate attention for its needs from the
Government and UGC. Further, it is not properly understood by the
administrators also.
1.4 SORT
T - Identify the threats to commerce education
O - Identify the areas of opportunities still available for
commerce even after providing for CA, CWA, CS and MBAs and new opportunities
into which you can enter.
W - What are your
weaknesses because of which you are not preferred?
S -
What are your strengths, if any? It is better to concentrate on and consolidate
on your strengths.
let us now come to the structuring/designing. While doing so
level also should be kept in mind for
framing the course objectives, course content and course conduct. The
conventional levels are:
Level I :
Pre-University or + two stage (Two
Level II : Graduation
(Three years)
Level III :
Post-graduation (Two years)
In the changed scenario, non-conventional duration or integrated
courses also may be thought of. While
designing the courses the following should be adhered to, which I remember to have studied in my
economics subject. Three qualifications
are essential for a “Good” before it can have value-
i. It must possess
utility (relevance);
ii. it must be scarce;
iii. it must be
All these three qualities are essential together. In the absence
of any of these qualities a “Good” will
have no value at all. Of course, this aptly describes our predicament.
The main branch of business education i.e. Commerce has gone in for
quantity rather than quality, due to the
pressure of demand and reached the present stage and state. The same thing is happening in case of
another branch of business education i.e.
management education. It is time for
them to learn lessons from the Commerce
education. In case of other professional streams viz., CA, CWA, CS, even
though entry barriers are not there,
exit is not easy. Hence, they are able to maintain their status.
The various ALTERNATIVES available for re-orientation of
commerce education are:
i. Academic Oriented
Courses for giving liberal commerce education, for
developing quality of mind, logical thinking, initiative,
attitude to life and a general understanding of business.
ii. Vocational/Self Employment Oriented Courses such as taxation, management
accounting, financial analysis, cost accounting.
iii. Job Oriented Courses such as computer accounting, salesmanship,
advertising, secretarial practice etc
for small jobs.
iv. Management Oriented Courses
The Institutes of Management in the country are
catering to the demands of elitist managerial personnel of industry. We need a second level of personnel to cater to the
requirements of small and tiny industry.
In India, there are many small and tiny industrial units, particularly
in the rural areas which need management orientation and a fair dose of
management culture. We should strive to create a new class of LICENTIATE
MANAGERS for them with complete practical bias just as engineering and
medicine. They may be even 5 year integrated courses with commerce
Commerce- education may have bright future if it --
1. Build rapport
with trade, Commerce and Industry and establish University Industry Hub)
2. Elicit the industry needs and requirements.
3. Under graduation courses
must be made more meaningful as 92% of them terminating here. P.G. courses
(M.Com) be more rigorous in content, skill and practice aspects with emphasis
on Accounting and Finance.
4. Commerce and computers
go together. There must be computer papers even at U.G. Level.
5. As Business operations
need more knowledge and skill the syllabus must contain knowledge component,
skill component and practice
commerce stream is a good option for
future......there are many courses in commerce that gives you a good career
break, like CA - its the best for students who are good at accounting, so also
is ICWA.....then there is CS - for students interested in company's stock
listing, legal stuff etc., CFA - for students interested in investment, MBA - for
students interested in management part of a business etc.,more importantly,
most of these courses can be done along with your degree, means, you can
register with the respective institutes and clear the foundation courses and
entrance exams, so that after graduation one can clear them quickly.....
ENTER THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, the business world is consumed by questions
about e-commerce. As you are aware that, in a growing economy much of the
expansion takes place in service sector (tertiary sector) which particularly
requires the type of skills and knowledge that our courses offer. The much
needed practical bias also can be brought in with the developments in
information technology, and with the help of a colour television, video
cassettes and computers. Our market is vast and their requirements are varied.
Hence, we have to provide for varied courses and not one straight jacket.
While the electronic sale of goods still
represents only a small fraction of economic activity, the Internet seems at
this moment in history to present almost unlimited possibilities - as both a
conduit and a disrupter of business. To shed light on the changes we may see as
the early years of our new century unfolded, we asked some close absorbers of
electronic commerce to share their thoughts and speculations about the future.
Most e-commerce businesses that are not successful fail to deliver the physical
aspects of their business, such as logistics, rather than through the
electronic aspects of the business. Because of this many e-commerce education
courses include some of the basic aspects of business, making sure that you
have the knowledge you need to run the whole of the business. .
As the economy becomes more industrialized and
society becomes more complex, the knowledge and skills required to deal with
the situations also change. Hence, for enabling students to acquire the desired
capabilities, contents of courses and their combinations need to be revised,
diversified and made more flexible”
According to the editor-in-chief of International Journal of
Electronic Commerce, Vladimir Zwass, ‘Electronic commerce is sharing business
information, maintaining business relationships and conducting
businesstransactions by means of telecommunications networks’.He maintains that
in its purest form, electronic commerce has existed for over 40
years,originating from the electronic transmission of messages during the
Berlin airlift in 1948.From this, electronic data interchange (EDI) was the
next stage of e-commerce development. In the 1960s a cooperative effort between
industry groups produced a first attempt at common electronic data formats. The
formats, however, were only for purchasing, transportation and finance data, and
were used primarily for intra-industry transactions. It was not until the late
1970s that work began for national Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards,
which developed well into the early 1990s. EDI is the electronic transfer of a
standardised business transaction between a sender and receiver computer, over
some kind of privatenetwork or value added network (VAN). Both sides would have
to have the same application software and the data would be exchanged in an
extremely rigorous format
THANK YOU---------------
1 D. Obul Reddy(March 2007)-“ REVITALISING
Farm Management, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore on invitation.
2.G. V. Kokklki(201“ Industry and commerce
education – a strength and weakness analysiIndian
3. Vladimir Zwass –“ Introduction
to e-commerce” Editor-in-chief of
International Journal of Electronic Commerce
R. r Curvey( “ Principle centered
Leadership”Mahatma Gandhi- Seven Deadly sins as per mahatma Gandhi”- Simon
R.schuste ltd. London
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