Sunday, January 22, 2012


An extension of this technology is the ability to send and receive data across these cellular networks. This is the principle of mobile computing. A technology that allows transmission of data, via a computer, without having to be connected to a fixed physical link is Mobile Computing. M- learning is not just electronic , it’s mobile. The evolution in education and training at a distance can be characterized as a move from d-learning to e-learning  to m- learning. Thus  problem of the incorporation of mobile learning into mainstream education and training has been addressed in this presentation. The answer to the question ‘Why has mobile learning not moved from project status to the mainstream?’ has been identified. It is that mobile learning is not seen as a satisfactory revenue stream by the telecommunications operators. Solutions have been proposed for this problem.  there are thousands of universities and further and higher education colleges all over the world. If they can all be convinced to accept mobile learning as their normal means of communication with all their students on changes of timetable, submission deadlines, enrolment procedures and other administrative necessities, a massive mobile learning revenue stream will already be set up the production of  a mobile  learning development kit for distribution to universities and colleges to enable them to introduce mobile learning will set up another revenue stream.the production of course guides, course summaries, examination reminders, helps with difficult parts of a course, will set up another revenue stream., the production of full course modules for PDAs, handhelds, palmtops, and also for smartphones and eventually for mobile phones, will set up another revenue stream.and the literature of the field needs to be developed, books on mobile learning need to be written conferences like this one need to be organized. The challenge to all of you attending this conference is to go away from here convinced of the need to establish mobile learning as a viable and valuable revenue stream for the telecommunications industry.


Mobile voice communication is widely established throughout the world and has had a very rapid increase in the number of subscribers to the various cellular networks over the last few years. An extension of this technology is the ability to send and receive data across these cellular networks. This is the principle of mobile computing. A technology that allows transmission of data, via a computer, without having to be connected to a fixed physical link is Mobile Computing.
Mobile Computing is a variety of wireless devices that has the mobility to allow people to connect to the internet, providing wireless transmission to access data and information from where ever location they may be. Mobile computing has three aspects:
1Mobile communication-- The first aspect addresses communication issues in ad-hoc and infrastructure networks as well as communication properties, protocols, data formats and concrete technologies.
          2 Mobile hardware - The second aspect is on the hardware, e.g., mobile devices or device components.
          3 Mobile software The third aspect deals with the characteristics and requirements of mobile applications.


 Mobile data communication has become a very important and rapidly evolving technology as it allows users to transmit data from remote locations to other remote or fixed locations. This proves to be the solution to the biggest problem of business people on the move - mobility. Wireless data connections used in mobile computing take 3 General forms-- Cellular data service uses technologies such as
    *CDM or GORS
    *3G Net work (like WCDMA, EDGE or CDMA2000
 These networks are usually available within range of commercial cell towers. Wi-Fi connections offer higher performance, may be either on a private business network or accessed through public Hotspot, and have a typical range of 100 feet indoors and up to 1000 feet outdoors. Satellite Connection  Access covers areas where cellular and Wi-Fi are not available and may be set up anywhere the user has a line of sight  to the satellite's location, The introduction of mobility in data communications required a move from the Public Switched Data Network (PSDN) to other networks like the ones used by mobile phones. PCSI has come up with an idea called CDPD (Cellular Digital Packet Data) technology which uses the existing mobile network (frequencies used for mobile telephony).
Mobility implemented in data communications has a significant difference compared to voice communications. Mobile phones allow the user to move around and talk at the same time; the loss of the connection for 400ms during the hand over is undetectable by the user. When it comes to data, 400ms is not only detectable but causes huge distortion to the message. Therefore data can be transmitted from a mobile station under the assumption that it remains stable or within the same cell.
Mobile telephony took off with the introduction of cellular technology which allowed the efficient utilisation of frequencies enabling the connection of a large number of users. During the 1980's analogue technology was used. Among the most well known systems were the NMT900 and 450 (Nordic Mobile Telephone) and the AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service). In the 1990's the digital cellular technology was introduced with GSM (Global System Mobile) being the most widely accepted system around the world. Other such systems are the DCS1800 (Digital Communication System) and the PCS1900 (Personal Communication System).A cellular network consists of mobile units linked together to switching equipment, which interconnect the different parts of the network and allow access to the fixed Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The technology is hidden from view; it's incorporated in a number of tranceivers called Base Stations (BS). Every BS is located at a strategically selected place and covers a given area or cell - hence the name cellular communications. A number of adjacent cells grouped together form an area and the corresponding BSs communicate through a so called Mobile Switching Centre (MSC). The MSC is the heart of a cellular radio system. It is responsible for routing, or switching, calls from the originator to the destinator. It can be thought of managing the cell, being responsible for set-up, routing control and termination of the call, for management of inter-MSC hand over and supplementary services, and for collecting charging and accounting information.

According to Quinn ( 2000)‘Mobile learning is learning through mobile computational devices.’ Shepherd ( 2001) M- learning is not just electronic , it’s mobile.The evolution in education and training at a distance can be characterized as a move from d-learning to e-learning  to m- learning.  These  three stages of development correspond to the influence on society of the industrial revolution of the 18th to 19th centuries,the electronic revaluation of the 1980’s and the wirelessrevolution of the last years of 20th century and now its mole revaluation. E learning is the state of the art in distance learning at the time of writing.Mobile learning seeks to put in place a new virtual learning environment for the future which might berepresented thus. This will be followed by the mid2000’s by the introduction of voice input and voicerecognition into wireless devices to create a more userfriendly environment for learners.A first step in postulating a theory of mobile learning is to distinguish what is special about mobile learning compared to other types of learning activity..
Kynaslahti (2003) identifies three different elements for mobility and all of these are valuable to teachers and students while they are teaching and learning –Teachers are able to work anywhere even if that requires access to the Internet or a connection to others kind of electronic environment But the definition of mobile learning the focus should be on mobility. M learning should be restricted to learning on devices which a lady can carry in her handbag or a gentleman can carry in his pocket. So It is define mobile learning as “ the provision of education and training on PDA’s/ palmtops/smart phone and mobile phone.

When one is discussing the question of the incorporation of mobile learning into main stream education and training it is important to realize that these projects were projects. That is, they were research undertakings to set out the first building blocks of a new sector of education and training provision. The problem is that wireless applications are being developed for wireless devices for all walks of life. Learning and training do not seem to be high on the list of applications that are receiving attention today. Isn’t it strange that all higher and further education institutions today have frequent needs for providing information to their students about timetable changes, assessment deadlines, feedback from tutors and other urgent administrative details? Nearly all of these students carry a sophisticated communications device which they use constantly in all walks of life except in their education or training Programme. The answer to these questions that I have been posing
about why mobile learning has not moved from project status into the mainstream is well known. It is that mobile learning is not seen as a satisfactory revenue stream for the telecommunications operators. The urgent need for mobile learning is to emerge from its fragile project status and convince the telecommunications Operators that it represents a viable and valuable revenue stream.
1 A matrix for mainstream provision-
We have posed the problem of the status and acceptance of mobile learning –we must now look for solutions to the problem. One can develop a nine-point matrix for the use of mobile learning in mainstream education and training. One axis is made up of the three types of devices that make up mobile learning provision:
 i  PDAs
ii Smartphones
iii Mobile phones.
The other axis is the types of education provision that can reasonably be provided by mobile learning:
i   Mobile learning academic administration SMSs.
ii  Mobile learning academic summaries.
iii  Full modules by mobile learning.
This is the presentation of full courses, or full modules of courses, on mobile devices. This gives the following nine possibilities:
  1 Mobile learning for academic administration on PDAs
  2. Mobile learning for academic administration on smartphones
  3 Mobile learning for academic administration on mobile phones
  4. Mobile learning academic summaries for PDAs
   5. Mobile learning academic summaries for smart phones.
   6  Mobile learning academic summaries for mobile phones
   7. Full modules by mobile learning for PDAs
   8. Full modules by mobile learning for smartphones
   9.Full modules by mobile learning for mobilephones.
2.Criteria for inclusion in the mainstream
There are four criteria for the inclusion of mobile learning in mainstream education and training. These are:
i. Enrolment of mobile learning students in courses on the institution’s official prospectus. This is essential for incorporating mobile learning into the mainstream. If the mobile learning course is not included in the institution’s prospectus and listed as available for student enrolment it remains peripheral with the status of a research project in an isolated university department and cannot be considered as part of mainstream provision.
ii Enrolment of mobile learning students into feepaying courses. This is essential for incorporating mobile learning into the mainstream. This is applicable to countries in which fees are payable for enrolment in further and higher education courses.
iii.. Enrolment of mobile learning students into assessed courses.. If the mobile learning course is not assessed with the same procedures as other courses offered by the institution it remains peripheral with the status of a research project and cannot be considered as part of mainstream provision.
iv. Enrolment of mobile learning students into accredited courses. As happened in the field of distance education and then in e-learning, the achievement of accreditation for mobile learning is an indication that the sector has entered into the mainstream.
3. The literature
The development of the literature of mobile learning has high importance in the move of mobile earning into the mainstream. Mobile learning will never emerge from its present fragile project-based status and take its place in mainstream education and training unless it has a vibrant literature. Deans of Faculties at universities throughout the world will never accept the introduction of mobile learning into their courseware unless they can verify the claims of mobile learning by consulting the research literature. Similar initiatives are necessary for the literature of mobile learning if it is to convince academics in universities worldwide that it is a viable form of educational provision.


With the rapid technological advancements in Artificial Intelligence, Integrated Circuitry and increases in Computer Processor speeds, the future of mobile computing looks increasingly exciting  With the emphasis increasingly on compact, small mobile computers, it may also be possible to have all the practicality of a mobile computer in the size of a hand held organizer or even smaller.
Use of Artificial Intelligence may allow mobile units to be the ultimate in personal secretaries, which can receive emails and paging messages, understand what they are about, and change the individuals personal schedule according to the message. This can then be checked by the individual to plan his/her day.The working lifestyle will change, with the majority of people working from home, rather than commuting. This may be beneficial to the environment as less transportation will be utilised. This mobility aspect may be carried further in that, even in social spheres, people will interact via mobile stations, eliminating the need to venture outside of the house.This scary concept of a world full of inanimate zombies sitting, locked to their mobile stations, accessing every sphere of their lives via the computer screen becomes ever more real as technology, especially in the field of mobile data communications, rapidly improves and, as shown below, trends are very much towards ubiquitous or mobile computing.

Major Trends in Computing

It is True that  Technological  Inovations such as  Interactive Television , Vidio Image Compression  already imply a certain degree of mobility in the home, ie. home shopping etc. Using the mobile data communication technologies discussed, this mobility may be pushed to extreme.The future of Mobile Computing is very promising indeed, although technology may go too far, causing detriment to society. In this article we give an overview of existing cellular networks and describe in detail the CDPD technology which allows data communications across these networks. Finally, we look at the applications of Mobile Computing in the real world.Is mobile computing just the latest fad?This paper is my attempt to answer these questions. The tension between autonomy and interdependence is intrinsic to all distibuted systems.  In closing, it is worth speculating on the long-term impact of mobility on distributed systems This paper describes a mobile learning development and future trends of education, where mobile devices are used for educational activities. The main focus of this paper is to find out the problem of the incorporation o f    mobile learning into main stream education ,an education an training.
Thus  problem of the incorporation of mobile learning into mainstream education and training has been addressed in this presentation. The answer to the question ‘Why has mobile learning not moved from project status to the mainstream?’ has been identified. It is that mobile learning is not seen as a satisfactory revenue stream by the telecommunications operators. Solutions have been proposed for this problem.  there are thousands of universities and further and higher education colleges all over the world. If they can all be convinced to accept mobile learning as their normal means of communication with all their students on changes of timetable, submission deadlines, enrolment procedures and other administrative necessities, a massive mobile learning revenue stream will already be set up the production of  a mobile  learning development kit for distribution to universities and colleges to enable them to introduce mobile learning will set up another revenue stream.the production of course guides, course summaries, examination reminders, helps with difficult parts of a course, will set up another revenue stream., the production of full course modules for PDAs, handhelds, palmtops, and also for smartphones and eventually for mobile phones, will set up another revenue stream.and the literature of the field needs to be developed, books on mobile learning need to be written conferences like this one need to be organized. The challenge to all of you attending this conference is to go away from here convinced of the need to establish mobile learning as a viable and valuable revenue stream for the telecommunications industry.

1. Quinn,C. (2000) mLearning: Mobile, Wireless and In-Your-Pocket Learning. Line Zine.
2. Shepherd C. (2001) M is for Maybe. Tactix: Training and communication technology in context. p.5
3 Phifer, Lisa. "Mobile VPN: Closing the Gap",, July 16, 2006.INTRODUCTION

Mobile voice communication is widely established throughout the world and has had a very rapid increase in the number of subscribers to the various cellular networks over the last few years. An extension of this technology is the ability to send and receive data across these cellular networks. This is the principle of mobile computing. A technology that allows transmission of data, via a computer, without having to be connected to a fixed physical link is Mobile Computing.
Mobile Computing is a variety of wireless devices that has the mobility to allow people to connect to the internet, providing wireless transmission to access data and information from where ever location they may be. Mobile computing has three aspects:
1Mobile communication-- The first aspect addresses communication issues in ad-hoc and infrastructure networks as well as communication properties, protocols, data formats and concrete technologies.
          2 Mobile hardware - The second aspect is on the hardware, e.g., mobile devices or device components.
          3 Mobile software The third aspect deals with the characteristics and requirements of mobile applications.


 Mobile data communication has become a very important and rapidly evolving technology as it allows users to transmit data from remote locations to other remote or fixed locations. This proves to be the solution to the biggest problem of business people on the move - mobility. Wireless data connections used in mobile computing take 3 General forms-- Cellular data service uses technologies such as
    *CDM or GORS
    *3G Net work (like WCDMA, EDGE or CDMA2000
 These networks are usually available within range of commercial cell towers. Wi-Fi connections offer higher performance, may be either on a private business network or accessed through public Hotspot, and have a typical range of 100 feet indoors and up to 1000 feet outdoors. Satellite Connection  Access covers areas where cellular and Wi-Fi are not available and may be set up anywhere the user has a line of sight  to the satellite's location, The introduction of mobility in data communications required a move from the Public Switched Data Network (PSDN) to other networks like the ones used by mobile phones. PCSI has come up with an idea called CDPD (Cellular Digital Packet Data) technology which uses the existing mobile network (frequencies used for mobile telephony).
Mobility implemented in data communications has a significant difference compared to voice communications. Mobile phones allow the user to move around and talk at the same time; the loss of the connection for 400ms during the hand over is undetectable by the user. When it comes to data, 400ms is not only detectable but causes huge distortion to the message. Therefore data can be transmitted from a mobile station under the assumption that it remains stable or within the same cell.
Mobile telephony took off with the introduction of cellular technology which allowed the efficient utilisation of frequencies enabling the connection of a large number of users. During the 1980's analogue technology was used. Among the most well known systems were the NMT900 and 450 (Nordic Mobile Telephone) and the AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service). In the 1990's the digital cellular technology was introduced with GSM (Global System Mobile) being the most widely accepted system around the world. Other such systems are the DCS1800 (Digital Communication System) and the PCS1900 (Personal Communication System).A cellular network consists of mobile units linked together to switching equipment, which interconnect the different parts of the network and allow access to the fixed Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The technology is hidden from view; it's incorporated in a number of tranceivers called Base Stations (BS). Every BS is located at a strategically selected place and covers a given area or cell - hence the name cellular communications. A number of adjacent cells grouped together form an area and the corresponding BSs communicate through a so called Mobile Switching Centre (MSC). The MSC is the heart of a cellular radio system. It is responsible for routing, or switching, calls from the originator to the destinator. It can be thought of managing the cell, being responsible for set-up, routing control and termination of the call, for management of inter-MSC hand over and supplementary services, and for collecting charging and accounting information.

According to Quinn ( 2000)‘Mobile learning is learning through mobile computational devices.’ Shepherd ( 2001) M- learning is not just electronic , it’s mobile.The evolution in education and training at a distance can be characterized as a move from d-learning to e-learning  to m- learning.  These  three stages of development correspond to the influence on society of the industrial revolution of the 18th to 19th centuries,the electronic revaluation of the 1980’s and the wirelessrevolution of the last years of 20th century and now its mole revaluation. E learning is the state of the art in distance learning at the time of writing.Mobile learning seeks to put in place a new virtual learning environment for the future which might berepresented thus. This will be followed by the mid2000’s by the introduction of voice input and voicerecognition into wireless devices to create a more userfriendly environment for learners.A first step in postulating a theory of mobile learning is to distinguish what is special about mobile learning compared to other types of learning activity..
Kynaslahti (2003) identifies three different elements for mobility and all of these are valuable to teachers and students while they are teaching and learning –Teachers are able to work anywhere even if that requires access to the Internet or a connection to others kind of electronic environment But the definition of mobile learning the focus should be on mobility. M learning should be restricted to learning on devices which a lady can carry in her handbag or a gentleman can carry in his pocket. So It is define mobile learning as “ the provision of education and training on PDA’s/ palmtops/smart phone and mobile phone.

When one is discussing the question of the incorporation of mobile learning into main stream education and training it is important to realize that these projects were projects. That is, they were research undertakings to set out the first building blocks of a new sector of education and training provision. The problem is that wireless applications are being developed for wireless devices for all walks of life. Learning and training do not seem to be high on the list of applications that are receiving attention today. Isn’t it strange that all higher and further education institutions today have frequent needs for providing information to their students about timetable changes, assessment deadlines, feedback from tutors and other urgent administrative details? Nearly all of these students carry a sophisticated communications device which they use constantly in all walks of life except in their education or training Programme. The answer to these questions that I have been posing
about why mobile learning has not moved from project status into the mainstream is well known. It is that mobile learning is not seen as a satisfactory revenue stream for the telecommunications operators. The urgent need for mobile learning is to emerge from its fragile project status and convince the telecommunications Operators that it represents a viable and valuable revenue stream.
1 A matrix for mainstream provision-
We have posed the problem of the status and acceptance of mobile learning –we must now look for solutions to the problem. One can develop a nine-point matrix for the use of mobile learning in mainstream education and training. One axis is made up of the three types of devices that make up mobile learning provision:
 i  PDAs
ii Smartphones
iii Mobile phones.
The other axis is the types of education provision that can reasonably be provided by mobile learning:
i   Mobile learning academic administration SMSs.
ii  Mobile learning academic summaries.
iii  Full modules by mobile learning.
This is the presentation of full courses, or full modules of courses, on mobile devices. This gives the following nine possibilities:
  1 Mobile learning for academic administration on PDAs
  2. Mobile learning for academic administration on smartphones
  3 Mobile learning for academic administration on mobile phones
  4. Mobile learning academic summaries for PDAs
   5. Mobile learning academic summaries for smart phones.
   6  Mobile learning academic summaries for mobile phones
   7. Full modules by mobile learning for PDAs
   8. Full modules by mobile learning for smartphones
   9.Full modules by mobile learning for mobilephones.
2.Criteria for inclusion in the mainstream
There are four criteria for the inclusion of mobile learning in mainstream education and training. These are:
i. Enrolment of mobile learning students in courses on the institution’s official prospectus. This is essential for incorporating mobile learning into the mainstream. If the mobile learning course is not included in the institution’s prospectus and listed as available for student enrolment it remains peripheral with the status of a research project in an isolated university department and cannot be considered as part of mainstream provision.
ii Enrolment of mobile learning students into feepaying courses. This is essential for incorporating mobile learning into the mainstream. This is applicable to countries in which fees are payable for enrolment in further and higher education courses.
iii.. Enrolment of mobile learning students into assessed courses.. If the mobile learning course is not assessed with the same procedures as other courses offered by the institution it remains peripheral with the status of a research project and cannot be considered as part of mainstream provision.
iv. Enrolment of mobile learning students into accredited courses. As happened in the field of distance education and then in e-learning, the achievement of accreditation for mobile learning is an indication that the sector has entered into the mainstream.
3. The literature
The development of the literature of mobile learning has high importance in the move of mobile earning into the mainstream. Mobile learning will never emerge from its present fragile project-based status and take its place in mainstream education and training unless it has a vibrant literature. Deans of Faculties at universities throughout the world will never accept the introduction of mobile learning into their courseware unless they can verify the claims of mobile learning by consulting the research literature. Similar initiatives are necessary for the literature of mobile learning if it is to convince academics in universities worldwide that it is a viable form of educational provision.


With the rapid technological advancements in Artificial Intelligence, Integrated Circuitry and increases in Computer Processor speeds, the future of mobile computing looks increasingly exciting  With the emphasis increasingly on compact, small mobile computers, it may also be possible to have all the practicality of a mobile computer in the size of a hand held organizer or even smaller.
Use of Artificial Intelligence may allow mobile units to be the ultimate in personal secretaries, which can receive emails and paging messages, understand what they are about, and change the individuals personal schedule according to the message. This can then be checked by the individual to plan his/her day.The working lifestyle will change, with the majority of people working from home, rather than commuting. This may be beneficial to the environment as less transportation will be utilised. This mobility aspect may be carried further in that, even in social spheres, people will interact via mobile stations, eliminating the need to venture outside of the house.This scary concept of a world full of inanimate zombies sitting, locked to their mobile stations, accessing every sphere of their lives via the computer screen becomes ever more real as technology, especially in the field of mobile data communications, rapidly improves and, as shown below, trends are very much towards ubiquitous or mobile computing.

Major Trends in Computing

It is True that  Technological  Inovations such as  Interactive Television , Vidio Image Compression  already imply a certain degree of mobility in the home, ie. home shopping etc. Using the mobile data communication technologies discussed, this mobility may be pushed to extreme.The future of Mobile Computing is very promising indeed, although technology may go too far, causing detriment to society. In this article we give an overview of existing cellular networks and describe in detail the CDPD technology which allows data communications across these networks. Finally, we look at the applications of Mobile Computing in the real world.Is mobile computing just the latest fad?This paper is my attempt to answer these questions. The tension between autonomy and interdependence is intrinsic to all distibuted systems.  In closing, it is worth speculating on the long-term impact of mobility on distributed systems This paper describes a mobile learning development and future trends of education, where mobile devices are used for educational activities. The main focus of this paper is to find out the problem of the incorporation o f    mobile learning into main stream education ,an education an training.
Thus  problem of the incorporation of mobile learning into mainstream education and training has been addressed in this presentation. The answer to the question ‘Why has mobile learning not moved from project status to the mainstream?’ has been identified. It is that mobile learning is not seen as a satisfactory revenue stream by the telecommunications operators. Solutions have been proposed for this problem.  there are thousands of universities and further and higher education colleges all over the world. If they can all be convinced to accept mobile learning as their normal means of communication with all their students on changes of timetable, submission deadlines, enrolment procedures and other administrative necessities, a massive mobile learning revenue stream will already be set up the production of  a mobile  learning development kit for distribution to universities and colleges to enable them to introduce mobile learning will set up another revenue stream.the production of course guides, course summaries, examination reminders, helps with difficult parts of a course, will set up another revenue stream., the production of full course modules for PDAs, handhelds, palmtops, and also for smartphones and eventually for mobile phones, will set up another revenue stream.and the literature of the field needs to be developed, books on mobile learning need to be written conferences like this one need to be organized. The challenge to all of you attending this conference is to go away from here convinced of the need to establish mobile learning as a viable and valuable revenue stream for the telecommunications industry.

1. Quinn,C. (2000) mLearning: Mobile, Wireless and In-Your-Pocket Learning. Line Zine.
2. Shepherd C. (2001) M is for Maybe. Tactix: Training and communication technology in context. p.5
3 Phifer, Lisa. "Mobile VPN: Closing the Gap",, July 16, 2006.