The concept of gender as distinct from the biological fact of sex includes a complex of sociological, cultural and psychological association with it norms are different for man and woman in a different, societies, but generally women is having inferior status in all. Sis natural but gender refers socialization of individuals in a particular society.
Economic theory has two main streams, neo-classical and Marxist. The neo-classical paradigm takes certain philosophical position, viz: the impersonal working of the market in a capitalist system brings efficient allocation of resources. The individual as a consumer or producer behaves rationally to maximize utility or profits. The different individuals places differently in the society, so there behavior do not confirm rationality assumption. Individuals in subsistence level of income find that their work and consumption do not maximize personal utility but increase the survival chances of whole family. Similarly in a society, which is in a transitory period, money is lent not to earn interest but to help a member of the society. The institutional identities of economic man do not consider gender.
Also it is noted by Illich, Ivan (1982) in their book Gender, that the loss of gender in an integral part of the history of scarcity and of the institutions that structure it. Drawing more and more positivism and neo-positivism, neo-classical economic acquired greater sophistication in methodology. Gender become a non-data and was completely out of the formalist’s tradition of non-Marxist. In the Marxist’s analysis, position of women is always bee seen as the out come of capitalism and sub-summed under analysis of class relations is not given and autonomous analytical position. Capitalist commodity relations assumes primary among social relations. The Marxist feminists tried to develop an integrated analysis, in which class and gender formation are looked at simultaneously. Gender relations form an important part of total social relations though the dominant theory does not regard gender as an analytical category; there has proliferation of studies on women during last twenty-thirty years. Historically almost all the societies passed through different stages of economic development. In the initial stage home-based activities were dominant. Women were giving full support to these activities in order to raised standard of living. With the industrialization, new economic activities became important’ women engaged fully in family responsibilities, were unable to acquire needed training or going out for continuous long hours of woks. Social attributes prevented her and socialization of female child made easy to keep her in home-doing house hold activities through out the whole day and looking after children and old age people. Thus, history and social tradition could keep her out of the modern economic activities, but economics could not help her because of the limit drawn by the definition of “economic activities”. Therefore, women participates in two third of the world work, but earn only one tenth of its income and own less than one hundredth of its property.
Now concept of economic development has given new under standing of economic development, which focused on over-all well being of the people of a country and world as a whole. Importance of human resources was felt and economics of education, health, and family planning got recognition all over the world and they concern female members of the society equal to male. New branch of “household economics” sensitivised female subordination in household activities.
Simultaneously in other branches of knowledge concern for women’s position got attention. It is felt that economics should try to develop new concepts and methodology to encompass the work of women in the family and society. Any study of historical evaluation of the society, its politics and social transformation, keeping women’s equality in perception, also needs logical support from economics. While providing this support for women, economics its-self is becoming more acceptable and human in approach. But in practical word lesions of history stress the need of equality in economics fields, equality in law is meaningless without economic and social equality. Thinkers have sensitivised this issue and academicians tried to catch-up it in their own disciplines. Still very few studies dealing with the economic problems of women. Some international studies are dealing with it. But it is still a far cry to recognize her work in true sense of the term. The success of all programmers aiming as to allow women to play her proper roll in economic development would depend on her involvement in the process of development. Economists consider the nature of women’s work in two different types:
· Income producing work
· Income saving work.
Their income-generating roll may be of wage work or self-employment type. In un-organized informal sector wage discrimination seems as a common practice. Mostly they work in low paid jobs without any security measure in time of uncertainty. Their work in organized formal sector cerates heavy pressures on their house hold responsibilities, conditions of workingwomen are well discussed in economics, wage differentiation because of segregated labors market is also examined. In their work as income saver, their work on family farm, home based economic activities or in house keeping. Only paid works are accounted and women’s work because of un-paid nature remain out-side the accounting of income. Their work is of immense important for balanced brought up of the family, but it I not considered worth from the pure economic calculations. The cultural value is so strong that most of the man and women do not find this discrimination as a wrong practices. But in the second half of twentieth century, economists’ theoreticians as well as activists are challenging this type of practices and attitudes. Though the discrimination arising out of force could not be eliminated, wiser th inking has been theoretically preached and pledged to be practiced almost every-were in the legal and constitutional system of the countries.