Friday, September 12, 2008


Females are usually characterized as absorbed in law status and arduous work. Our findings also more or less runs on these lines, So many attempts has been made by researchers to examine the status & problems women in rural area. The civil conditions of females are favorable, early marriage very comment. Employed women are characterized by relatively large family size and low adoption of family – planning. Majority of them had never been to school. Work participation among the adult females is notable with about 68.7% and majority of them are agriculture labors. The condition of many women is very piteous being burdened with paid and unpaid work.
Modern legislation, especially since independence, has given women of most communities in India the rights to individually own, use and dispose of land and other immovable property, although the nature of
Those rights vary according to personal laws governing different religious communities and even regions. But a common feature of all the laws is that these rights are still not on an equal basis with men’s. Even more critical are the factors, which restrict women’s ability to exercise their limited legal claims and to control and independently farm the land where they do get access. ----
1.where patrilocality, village exigency and long distance marriages are the norm.

2.where women as sisters and daughters in traditionally par lineal groups do not voluntary give up
Their rights in favor of their brothers and instead file claims, male have been noted to resort to
Various methods of circumventing modern low. Single women (unmarried or widowed) are
Particularly to various farms of harassment by males.
3.official policies and programmers reflect and traditional prevailing biases tend to affect both court j augments and the formulation and implementation of government policies.
This systematic bias in the implementation of status of women is found even in the context of matrililineal society. Women have traditionally inherited property, but under the land prevention encouraged by the laws, the title deeds granted to individual households are typically in male names. This is the current issue for debate.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The women employment

The recent scheme of part time work for women of some state govt. provides a good example .The scheme realizes the recent increasing compulsion for women to seek employment due to economic necessity Women have to spend longer day outside home to work. The thrust of the scheme is this has been increased the social problems at home, the crucial problem being the care of younger children. There are no suitable and adequate facilities for children. The alternate to this situation is half-time employment for women. This would make it possible for women both to earn an income and also fulfill their responsibilities towards their children and family. Women may be free to choose between full-time and part-time employment depending upon their situation at home. The sexual division of labor and society remains intact even with women in the paid economy. Idiology adjusts to this by defining women as working mothers. And the two jobs get done for less than the price of one.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Traditionally a firm used to get a component or product from its vender or supplier but did not take the responsibility to ensure at least minimum and humane standards that a supplier would offer to its work force . Corporates argued that they did not own their suppliers and hence had no right or responsibility to interfere in their workspace..Though there is a need for legislation and imposing certain regulations,experience has proved that if firms or units are
not convinced about an issue they will follow it in letter and not in spirit.Let us take the example of pollution control.If corporate do not assume respnsibility,the opportunities for education ,for employment will affected. Itcan bringe the disparity between rich and poor.We need to move away from this mindset and indstry and govt. together nee to find solutions that will meaningfully address the problems of the community.If govt. treats them as erring children who need to be chided and controlled then businesswill behave in a rebellious manner.But if both sides treats each other as mature adults then they dialogue and a commen ,actionable agenda will emmerge.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

women and economic resources

women and economic resources
THOUGH WOMEN CONTRIBUTE substaintially to the economics of the family both by way of services rendered and wages earned , yet their potential is not duly recognised and very little attention is paid to involve them directly with developmental activities and enable them to become more effective and productive. In India,agriculture still provide 42% to 45% of gross domestic product and engages 68% of the working population. Of this latter figures again anything between 20 to 50 % depending upon the part of the country are working women, whose wages value of labour is either outright denied to women or squeezed out of reckoning or is fixed at much lower rates than for males even for equal or morenarduous physical labour like sowing or transplanting or hoeing. Some minimum education ts necessary for women to assimilate the of health care progammes, nutrition and diet , norms and values of scarce economic resources and adoption to simple technology to perform some of the routine agricltural tasks more effectively.
Posted by Dr. Pravina Pandya at 6:04 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

women and economic resources

THOUGH WOMEN CONTRIBUTE substaintially to the economics of the family both by way of services rendered and wages earned , yet their potential is not duly recognised and very little attention is paid to involve them directly with developmental activities and enable them to become more effective and productive. In India,agriculture still provide 42% to 45% of gross domestic product and engages 68% of the working population. Of this latter figures again anything between 20 to 50 % depending upon the part of the country are working women, whose wages value of labour is either outright denied to women or squeezed out of reckoning or is fixed at much lower rates than for males even for equal or morenarduous physical labour like sowing or transplanting or hoeing. Some minimum education ts necessary for women to assimilate the of health care progammes, nutrition and diet , norms and values of scarce economic resources and adoption to simple technology to perform some of the routine agricltural tasks more effectively.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Womenshakti and agriculture (3)
In the adoption of new inputs e.g. High yielding variety seeds, fertilizers and pesticides in the I.A.D. scheme were best adopters and non participants not covered by the scheme were most backward. the soil testing had not become popular with the farmers . The dry land farmers adopted new technology as long as project continued but in the subsequent year they tended to revert back to their traditional system. This had happened even in cases where technology had shown high pay off. There was appositive association between the extent of farmer’s social status and their level of adoption of innovations. Women constitute about half of the population& therefore there can not be happiness and full development, so long as women remain depressed and exploited. One of the major causes for the exploitation of the female is their eonomic dependence upon men. The preamble to U. N. charter reaffirms faith in fundamental human person in the equal rights of men and women. Though women contribute substaintaintially
to the economi of the family both by way of services rendered and wages earned , yet their potential is not duly recognized and very littee attention is paid to involve them directly with
developmental activities and enable them to become more effective and productive.
The women’s participation in farm activity is directly re to the economic status. Earlier the women were not even allowed beyond the household , today the rules related allowing the women to come on to the outside of the house.While the economically lower class women even work on hired agricultural labourers.Thus the degree and level of participation of women in farm is related to the economic class. The role of tribal women context of their traditional economy and examines The impect of rural development on tribal women. Activities such as huntng and gathering postoralism shifting and settled cultivation , craft and plantation labour are considered.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Women are not recognized for their production role in the economy. Their reproductive role is taken for granted and as naturally given. Both men and women are socialized in a manner which prescribed and recognizes the non-domestic public and economic sphere as the male sphere and regards the domestic as the non-productive non-economic female sphere .For the women in subsistence agriculture, it implies the reproduction of exploitative relations of production, -related differentiation in access the new agrarian technology patriarchy and power relationships between the sexes and women’s subordinate position in the family and society .Family income is a stream of money, goods, services and satisfactions that come under the control of the family, to be used by them to satisfy their needs and desires and to discharge obligations. . In agriculture, income-earning work such as planting, weeding, harvesting in the field ponding products like rice etc. in other household are taken directly in to consideration by women.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Inaugurated speech by chairman late P.M.Smt. Indira Gandhi –A synopsis of the report of the National committee which published by Allied publishers, India (1975}.”I do not agree that women are an appressed minority or a minority at all. It is such an attitude that makes women weak, men and women together make up society and if the Shakti of both is tapped, society will greatly benefit. As things stand in society to day, although the women possess Shakti, they do not tap it. Therefore, whatever work is done among women must be that which increases their Shakti. It is necessary that women become an economic asset to the family and the society for getting their status raised.”
Thus in modern agriculture, women shared a number of farm operations with men. Activities such as seed selection, sowing behind the plough, dibbling and planting, field irrigations, weeding and cleaning of grains, collection and storage of manure and most of other farm operations are mainly carried out by women.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008



Economic development is frequently considered to be the culprit for environmental degradation Economic activity can cause environmental Problems, but with right policies and institutions. They can help to solve these problems as well. The policies leading to increasing the efficiency and quality of resources. Without adequate environmental protection, development will be undermined; without development, environmental protection will fail. Thus economic development and sound environmental management are complementary aspects. Human beings should be at the center of economic policy and environmental policies as well. :Economic policies increases the income, which finally lengthen the life, improve the level of education and health of its population. Similarly, Environmental policies that reduce air and water pollution, which improves the well being of people. So we can measure the level of economic development with human development. It is readily available.
Thus HDI readily available from Human Development Report. The Economic Development Index are also available in HDR. The construction of EQI is very complex because it is the question of geographic heterogeneity. The classical example is acid rain, nitrogen oxides, sulphuric acids etc. Building and EQI involves two steps—
1. To calculate values for EQI.
2. To aggregate sub indices in to an overall index.
In this regards technique of PSR is useful. The PSR models rely on assumption that there is a link between the environment and the state of an economy. World Bank in 1994 developed DD. DD for a given country was constructed by using four indicators.—per capita GNP, life expectancy, gross primary enrolment and access of safe water. Similar technique used to construct ED, which consists multi dimensional concepts of air, water, forest, land, solid west, wild life and other bioata. There for a dimensionality reduction technique of PCA is used for transforming co-related FOUR variables--- air quality, land quality, bio-diversity and water quality. In short environmental quality is a multi-dimensional problems, which occurs from industrialization, technical progress in industries as well as in agriculture. But there are relationships between inputs and out puts also between economic activity and environment are dynamic in nature and change continually.

Monday, June 9, 2008



Rural development is the strategy designed to improve the economic and social life of specific group – the rural poor which comprises small and marginal farmers, tenants, the lend less rural artisans. With modernization and monetization of rural society and with its transition and traditional isolation to integration with the national economy, it should be change to each component of rural life in a desired direction along with other components. The criteria for the rural development, therefore, needs improvement in productivity, employment, higher incomes, minimum expectable levels of food, clothing, shelter, health, education etc. after the independence, the country launched various anti poverty and employment oriented programs for rectifying the situation, National Government has decided restructure the self employment programs. In India the basic problem is of making a choice between labour- intensive and capital-intensive technique on account of these reason, it is contented that in selecting a technique, which would require their services, the social cost would be low. And so, in India labour intensive techniques are to be preferred to a capital-intensive technique. India’s population is still rapidly expanding. Living standards are rising and slated to rise faster than in the past. As they rise, both calorific intake and diversification of diet will increase significant. Both as a challenge and as an opportunity, India can and must do much more to modernize and diversify its agriculture to meet the increase domestic and international demand for a wide variety of the products. Thus globule market market situations are pushing the rural economy of India for new technology.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A step towards sustainable agriculture

To provide enough food and gainful; employment to increasing population is a big challenge before agricultural scientist. To feed such a large population we have to produce at least 205 mt extra food grains and have to double our present day milk, vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat production besides meeting their requirement for fuel, fiber, timber etc for clothing and housing. To primitive know-how of crop cultivation has been transformed into modern agriculture, through ages and it is still changing. And evolving according to the economics, social and environmental needs. It was aptly uttered by Pandit Jawaharlaal Nahru ‘everything can wait but not the agriculture’. In the post green revolution era, imbalanced fertilization, excessive irrigation and indiscriminate use of pesticides have undermined the sustainability.
This step can be carry forwarded by equal participation of both the gender through timely and proper extension services.

Monday, May 26, 2008

feelings towards mother's day

orkut Bflog:

Feelings Towards Mother's Day

A mother is a gift of God.She is a path towards success. She is my sdhana, she is my stuti, she is always with my touch, she is my prayer.I dedicacated all my success in life to my mother. My mother always asks me for__
* develop your presonality.
*should evaluate others & believe with possitiveness.
*believe in universal goodwishes
*truth for goodness
* keep morality with knopwledge
These are the five basic values of successfull life according to my mother. I remember it to-day with tears in my eyes because I had lost my mother on 28th January 1984.

women's role and economic refoms in India

The economic refoms provide freedom to the enterprenuer to enter any indstry to produce any product and to earn any amount of money. But the importent sex of gender__women--have yet the secondery role in economy.It is true that the accelerating role is increasing with women' education and the service sector is becoming healthy with their help, yet their is need for 33% reservation for every sector in economy.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mother's Day



  • Universal Good-wishes
  • Develop personality
  • Evaluate and Believe in positive ness of others
  • Truth for goodness
  • Morality and knowledge

These are the five bases of successful life according to my mother. I remember these values with tears in my eyes because I had lost my mot her on 28th January 1984.


  • Five years should be given for supporting the progress of each other
  • Find knowledge and use it for family
  • Create an environment for “gruh-laxmi”
  • Enjoy for family development
  • At least 10 years for welcoming new child
  • Enjoy for whole life with’ “sanskar”.

Then and then you start more money health , wealth and property like house, ornaments and vehicles

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Treatment of gender in economic theory


The concept of gender as distinct from the biological fact of sex includes a complex of sociological, cultural and psychological association with it norms are different for man and woman in a different, societies, but generally women is having inferior status in all. Sis natural but gender refers socialization of individuals in a particular society.
Economic theory has two main streams, neo-classical and Marxist. The neo-classical paradigm takes certain philosophical position, viz: the impersonal working of the market in a capitalist system brings efficient allocation of resources. The individual as a consumer or producer behaves rationally to maximize utility or profits. The different individuals places differently in the society, so there behavior do not confirm rationality assumption. Individuals in subsistence level of income find that their work and consumption do not maximize personal utility but increase the survival chances of whole family. Similarly in a society, which is in a transitory period, money is lent not to earn interest but to help a member of the society. The institutional identities of economic man do not consider gender.
Also it is noted by Illich, Ivan (1982) in their book Gender, that the loss of gender in an integral part of the history of scarcity and of the institutions that structure it. Drawing more and more positivism and neo-positivism, neo-classical economic acquired greater sophistication in methodology. Gender become a non-data and was completely out of the formalist’s tradition of non-Marxist. In the Marxist’s analysis, position of women is always bee seen as the out come of capitalism and sub-summed under analysis of class relations is not given and autonomous analytical position. Capitalist commodity relations assumes primary among social relations. The Marxist feminists tried to develop an integrated analysis, in which class and gender formation are looked at simultaneously. Gender relations form an important part of total social relations though the dominant theory does not regard gender as an analytical category; there has proliferation of studies on women during last twenty-thirty years. Historically almost all the societies passed through different stages of economic development. In the initial stage home-based activities were dominant. Women were giving full support to these activities in order to raised standard of living. With the industrialization, new economic activities became important’ women engaged fully in family responsibilities, were unable to acquire needed training or going out for continuous long hours of woks. Social attributes prevented her and socialization of female child made easy to keep her in home-doing house hold activities through out the whole day and looking after children and old age people. Thus, history and social tradition could keep her out of the modern economic activities, but economics could not help her because of the limit drawn by the definition of “economic activities”. Therefore, women participates in two third of the world work, but earn only one tenth of its income and own less than one hundredth of its property.
Now concept of economic development has given new under standing of economic development, which focused on over-all well being of the people of a country and world as a whole. Importance of human resources was felt and economics of education, health, and family planning got recognition all over the world and they concern female members of the society equal to male. New branch of “household economics” sensitivised female subordination in household activities.
Simultaneously in other branches of knowledge concern for women’s position got attention. It is felt that economics should try to develop new concepts and methodology to encompass the work of women in the family and society. Any study of historical evaluation of the society, its politics and social transformation, keeping women’s equality in perception, also needs logical support from economics. While providing this support for women, economics its-self is becoming more acceptable and human in approach. But in practical word lesions of history stress the need of equality in economics fields, equality in law is meaningless without economic and social equality. Thinkers have sensitivised this issue and academicians tried to catch-up it in their own disciplines. Still very few studies dealing with the economic problems of women. Some international studies are dealing with it. But it is still a far cry to recognize her work in true sense of the term. The success of all programmers aiming as to allow women to play her proper roll in economic development would depend on her involvement in the process of development. Economists consider the nature of women’s work in two different types:
· Income producing work
· Income saving work.
Their income-generating roll may be of wage work or self-employment type. In un-organized informal sector wage discrimination seems as a common practice. Mostly they work in low paid jobs without any security measure in time of uncertainty. Their work in organized formal sector cerates heavy pressures on their house hold responsibilities, conditions of workingwomen are well discussed in economics, wage differentiation because of segregated labors market is also examined. In their work as income saver, their work on family farm, home based economic activities or in house keeping. Only paid works are accounted and women’s work because of un-paid nature remain out-side the accounting of income. Their work is of immense important for balanced brought up of the family, but it I not considered worth from the pure economic calculations. The cultural value is so strong that most of the man and women do not find this discrimination as a wrong practices. But in the second half of twentieth century, economists’ theoreticians as well as activists are challenging this type of practices and attitudes. Though the discrimination arising out of force could not be eliminated, wiser th inking has been theoretically preached and pledged to be practiced almost every-were in the legal and constitutional system of the countries.



Thursday, March 27, 2008

Friday, March 21, 2008


The concept of gender as distinct from the biological fact of sex includes a complex of sociological, cultural and psychological association with it norms are different for man and woman in a different, societies, but generally women is having inferior status in all. Sis natural but gender refers socialization of individuals in a particular society.
Economic theory has two main streams, neo-classical and Marxist. The neo-classical paradigm takes certain philosophical position, viz: the impersonal working of the market in a capitalist system brings efficient allocation of resources. The individual as a consumer or producer behaves rationally to maximize utility or profits. The different individuals places differently in the society, so there behavior do not confirm rationality assumption. Individuals in subsistence level of income find that their work and consumption do not maximize personal utility but increase the survival chances of whole family. Similarly in a society, which is in a transitory period, money is lent not to earn interest but to help a member of the society. The institutional identities of economic man do not consider gender.
Also it is noted by Illich, Ivan (1982) in their book Gender, that the loss of gender in an integral part of the history of scarcity and of the institutions that structure it. Drawing more and more positivism and neo-positivism, neo-classical economic acquired greater sophistication in methodology. Gender become a non-data and was completely out of the formalist’s tradition of non-Marxist. In the Marxist’s analysis, position of women is always bee seen as the out come of capitalism and sub-summed under analysis of class relations is not given and autonomous analytical position. Capitalist commodity relations assumes primary among social relations. The Marxist feminists tried to develop an integrated analysis, in which class and gender formation are looked at simultaneously. Gender relations form an important part of total social relations.

Gender inequality !!!! in Liberalized India.......

Socio - economic impact of gender in-equalityFemale embryo abolishing in India

India is a country dominated by males. The birth of a male child is well come occasion in every family, whereas the birth of female child is not like that. The culture of abortion of a female embryo is not related with any religion, any caste, any education, any gender or any rural or urban areas. But as it has taken a serious form, the sociologists, economists, psychologists, have become aware. They have begun to realize its effects. The govt. of India , too, has considered this situation seriously. There are some important factors behind it. For example
· For religious purpose of getting salvation
· For after- death ceremony
· For old -age safety
· For the expansion of the generation.
Most of these are because of the male dominating culture. The social and economic impacts related with the social importance of female is not like male in our patriarchic society, such as--
· Inferiority in female
· Low wage rates to female members
· Reservation demand for the females
· Increase in the causes of rapes and elopements.
Now, if the rate of female embryo abortion will continue to go up, there will be a great social effect such as----
· Moral level of society will go lower
· The matrimonial stability will be in danger
· The males will grow absurd
· The economic budget of the family will be affected.
This is why the educational, social, religious and self organized institutions have began to organize seminars, documentary- shows, research projects, relies, poster-competitions, elocution competitions, and mothers sanman samarohas. So, this is the urgent need of the day to stop this socio- system. What we need today is -----
· To educate the females
· To give the training to the females
· To develop the female
· To prepare to face the critical situations
In short, it is necessary to bring to the notice of all – that birth of a male or a female child is a scientific truth. No single sex is responsible for it. When this will be realized , this problem will stop to remain a problem.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A woman...who Nurtures the family...... she needs the concner....

One of my favourite article, i share on Women's day......
Women Symbolyze love......even then she imprison with emotional bonds...
The woman in your life...very well expressed...

Tomorrow you may get a working woman, but you should marry her with these facts as well.

Here is a girl, who is as much educated as you are; Who is earning almost as much as you do;
  • One, who has dreams and aspirations just as you have because she is as human as you are;
  • One, who has never entered the kitchen in her life just like you or your Sister haven't, as she was busy in studies and competing in a system that gives no special concession to girls for their culinary achievements
  • One, who has lived and loved her parents & brothers & sisters, almost as much as you do for 20-25 years of her life;
  • One, who has bravely agreed to leave behind all that, her home, people who love her, to adopt your home, your family, your ways and even your family ,name
  • One, who is somehow expected to be a master-chef from day #1, while you sleep oblivious to her predicament in her new circumstances, environment and that kitchen
  • One, who is expected to make the tea, first thing in the morning and cook food at the end of the day, even if she is as tired as you are, maybe more, and yet never ever expected to complain; to be a servant, a cook, a mother, a wife, even if she doesn't want to; and is learning just like you are as to what you want from her; and is clumsy and sloppy at times and knows that you won't like it if she is too demanding, or if she learns faster than you;
  • One, who has her own set of friends, and that includes boys and even men at her workplace too, those, who she knows from school days and yet is willing to put all that on the back-burners to avoid your irrational jealousy, unnecessary competition and your inherent insecurities;
    One, who can be late from work once in a while When deadlines, just like yours, are to be met;
  • One, who is doing her level best and wants to make this most important, relationship in her entire life a grand success, if you just help her some and trust her;
  • One, who just wants one thing from you, as you are the only one she knows in your entire house - your unstinted support, your sensitivities and most importantly - your understanding, or love, if you may call it.
But not many guys understand this......
Learn to appreciate "HER"

Friday, March 7, 2008 the onset of women's day

By:- Dr. Pravina Pandya the onset of women's day

Gender is a categorization based on Sex that places people in to two groups, - Male and Female. These two groups are often biologically, Sociologically, psychologically and physiologically influenced. Gender is based on Four aspects, like:- Assignment, Role, Identity and Attribution. The patriarchal structure has molded the life of women and man in society, thus giving them different roles and identity. Gender and economic development evolved form the women in development approach, which stated in the 1970es. After a study by ESTHAR BOSERUP (1970) women’s role in economic development which high lighted that DIVISION OF LABOUR IN ALL SOCIETYIES VARIWES BETWEEN GROUPS AND SOCIAL CLASSES, economic changes affect differently on women and man, and that third world women are key contributors to the development. There was a lot of concern by UN agencies and governments on how to include women in development. Up to 1985, the approach was women in development which views women as a problem due to exclusion, thus focused on women in development which was radical a liberal approach was introduced to look at man and women as partners in development process. There was a number of industries as well as some work-shops breweries dominated both the position of job creation, quality of the final products and the contribution to treasury. Also it covers the field of agri-industries, most of service sectors and industrial sectors. Reforms were begun and process of implementation in order to allow the country to erase the obstacles that slow downs the growth path. So new technology introduce in all sectors. This mechanism of technology applied THREE steps like, Activities, Occupations and New Innovations. To explain the process by which all these steps become GENDER.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Science Fair and Food Festival Anand Mercantile College of Science, Management and Computer Technology, run by Anand Mercantile Samaj Seva Trust, held a ‘Science Fair’ and ‘Food under the guidance of the In-charge Principal Mr. Amit Jain. Dr. B. G. Patel, the officiating Vice Chancellor of the Sardar Patel University was invited as the Chief Guest of the function. Shri Jayrajbhai Patel, the President of Anand Nagar Palika and Dr. S. G. Patel, the Director of the Sardar Patel Community Science Centre were the guests of honour. Mr. Jivanbhai Contractor, the Managing Trustee of the Anand Mercantile Samaj Seva Trust and Mr. Ramanbhai Patel, the honourary Secretary of the Anand Mercantile Samaj Seva Trust also remained present on this auspicious occasion. Dr. B. G. Patel delivered his speech and put emphasis on the importance of balanced food in this scientific era. Then Jayrajbhai Patel explained the students how the western food is different from out traditional food. Dr. S. G. Patel, put emphasis on science for a progressive country. Shri Jivandada gave information about the trust and its activities and Shri Ramankaka encouraged the students to show their hidden and natural talents to brighten our country. Ms. Bimla Negi and Mr. Snehal Patel were the Masters of the Ceremony and Mr. Maulik Pandya gave the vote of thanks. Various projects, models and charts related to Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Technology were prepared by the students. The projects and models were about the objectives of electricity production, magical fountain, bio-tech farm, chemical garden, infrared security system, green house effect, sugar and water plant, IT industry, paper recycling, blue-tooth computer operating system, spy camera system etc. In addition to this the posters about Swami Vivekanand were also displayed in the college. There was a delicious mixture of the western and Indian food in the Food Festival. Students and teachers of the schools of Anand and also the local public visited the Science Fair and enjoyed the Food Festival.
Article has been downloaded from