Friday, June 20, 2008


Inaugurated speech by chairman late P.M.Smt. Indira Gandhi –A synopsis of the report of the National committee which published by Allied publishers, India (1975}.”I do not agree that women are an appressed minority or a minority at all. It is such an attitude that makes women weak, men and women together make up society and if the Shakti of both is tapped, society will greatly benefit. As things stand in society to day, although the women possess Shakti, they do not tap it. Therefore, whatever work is done among women must be that which increases their Shakti. It is necessary that women become an economic asset to the family and the society for getting their status raised.”
Thus in modern agriculture, women shared a number of farm operations with men. Activities such as seed selection, sowing behind the plough, dibbling and planting, field irrigations, weeding and cleaning of grains, collection and storage of manure and most of other farm operations are mainly carried out by women.

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