Sunday, August 31, 2008

The women employment

The recent scheme of part time work for women of some state govt. provides a good example .The scheme realizes the recent increasing compulsion for women to seek employment due to economic necessity Women have to spend longer day outside home to work. The thrust of the scheme is this has been increased the social problems at home, the crucial problem being the care of younger children. There are no suitable and adequate facilities for children. The alternate to this situation is half-time employment for women. This would make it possible for women both to earn an income and also fulfill their responsibilities towards their children and family. Women may be free to choose between full-time and part-time employment depending upon their situation at home. The sexual division of labor and society remains intact even with women in the paid economy. Idiology adjusts to this by defining women as working mothers. And the two jobs get done for less than the price of one.

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