Friday, March 20, 2009

Information Revolution -

Indian Society has its own folk arts, folk dance, folk epics. India villages are full of handicrafts, shilps, wooden work, mattle work. Traditonal media have been serving as a Significant channel of communication. But Modern information revolution gives wide platform to our original culture. The rural art identify themselves with the proper presentation though media Modern informative media - Vibrant cities - have more persuasive power and are able to create genuine interest among their audience. Their imporant features are only local appeal, indigenous nature, cultural compativility and also radio station. But the became more popular, more effective with Information Revolution.
# Meaning of Information Revolution :
The 21st century is the century of knowledge. The changing role of
information creats new eyes of world. The great “Visfot of Gyan” is been created with the information revolution. The jumping progress is found with new area every where.
The new ambitions are created, new maps are drawn. Also in rural India, the “Gyan-bhookh” of rural people is starting to activate with global world.The main objective of the revolution is to satisfy all facilities of ordinary people with modern information technology and media. The most important ways are - 4To store the information
4To inter-relate the information
4To exchange the information
4To make proper use of information with proper way to proper person.with changing pattern of global market, proper ingormation techonlogies are lead the elonomy to development There are certain media like Typewritting, phone, fax, mobile, press, Talex, Computer, Interenet, Intranet. They are making great revolution also in rural area
# Village culture and seasonal occasions
Traditional media were focus on the rural traditions, culture and values of societies. They are all falk media. They are close to the heart of rural societies. They are unique in nature as they resemble the day-to-day life pattern of the rural masses Their. Special nature is derived from the fait that they have no grammer or literature yet they are nurtured through oral and functional sources The most popular traditional art forms of our county are the 'Tamasha', Powada, Nautanki, Yakshagana, Therukuthu, Jatra, bhavai. Balad forms, folk music, riddles, falk tales and puppetry.
# Important features of Traditional media –
== Literaly level -
The literaly level is very low in our country, which again a basic ordinary people with modern information technology and media. The most important ways are –
4To store the information
4To inter-relate the information
4To exchange the information
4To make proper use of information with proper way to proper person.with changing pattern of global market, proper ingormation techonlogies are lead the elonomy to development There are certain media like Typewritting, phone, fax, mobile, press, Talex, Computer, Interenet, Intranet. They are making great revolution also in rural area
== Village culture and seasonal occasions
Traditional media were focus on the rural traditions, culture and values of societies. They are all falk media. They are close to the heart of rural societies. They are unique in nature as they resemble the day-to-day life pattern of the rural masses Their. Special nature is derived from the fait that they have no grammer or literature yet they are nurtured through oral and functional sources The most popular traditional art forms of our county are the 'Tamasha', Powada, Nautanki, Yakshagana, Therukuthu, Jatra, bhavai. Balad forms, folk music, riddles, falk tales and puppetry.
The literaly level which again a basic necessity for information revolution. According to Kothari and Takeda (2000) literacy is a critical aspect of the soft infrastructure that will determine the extent and nature of the information revolution At the turn of the millenium, even the telecommunication infrastructure in rural area is not cover the programme. The worldwide internet would hardly be able to rural people includation because of illiteacy and English language barries. Only half of the adults of whole country (Rural + urban) are illiterate. Only half of literate may be able to take the advantage of the text-based matter in books or internet.

== Communication gap : (Vacume of information)
In fact, there has been a communication gap or vacuum of information in the villages, because the new media have not been able to reach the rural masses and the traditional media have been shrugged off or discarded by the developmental agencics
# Past experiences - (Researches for development purpose)
In India, during the freedam struggle when the mass media were
under the British control, the freedom fighters were using the local appeal like Tamasha, Bhavai, Street, play etc. (Ranganath, 1980) The propagators of folk theatre like Alkazi and Habib Tanvir have successfully spread a number of educational messages through their folk theatre. The centrul and state govt., after independance, used the Nationalist Harikath to educate the masses on family planning, developmentsl activities, democratic values and national integration. The Banks and The Life Insurance corporation have effectively necessity for information revolution. According to kothari and Takeda (2000) literacy is a critical aspect of the soft infrastructure that will determine the extent and nature of the information revolution At the turn of the millenium, even the telecommunication infrastructure in rural area is not cover the programme. The worldwide internet would hardly be able to rural people includation because of illiteacy and English language barries. Only half of the adults of whole country (Rural + urban) are illiterate. Only half of literate may be able to take the advantage of the text-based matter in books or internet..The Banks and The Life Insurance corporation have effectivelyused Indian puppertry for arousny interest of Rural people for bank savings and LIC policies.
# A pilot study by the Indian Institute of Mass communication on comparative power use the documentary film method in two villages.
The Institute of Rural communication has successfully completed a compaign on environment building for literacy in Udalpur in Rajstan which was bassed on the use of information media. One survey, said Gaur, Paliwal, (1997) that successfully covered 756 villages for bringing a attitudinal change amony the rural masses in approach There is a need for socially relevant courses and generation of resources through consultabcy services etc in cooperation with the industries and private sector. Much of our education system continued to be based upon the British or Western perspectives of cource the aim of literacy is to spread the knowledge and not creation of wrong values, but there was a need to bring proper awareness of and sensivity towards our society's rich heri tage and culture and to identify new frontiers of knowledge with a holistic approach. Srivastave, Chairman, Bihar state inter University Board remarks that the poor academic scenario need the maintenance of adequate number and quality of teachers in institutions. The good teachers should collectivety resolve to strive for better standards of education to the best of their abilities. The workshops, semenars, conferences are essentially an exercise for quality consciousness in the field of education and felt that the need of the hours to self- analysis by each of one. Gopalan and Cusat (2000) talked about innovation and spoke on the pivotal role of higher education in information revolution. They said that Qualiry is never an accident and is always a result of integrated effort. Quality is a continuous journey and not a destination. Here importance of an effective teacher in developing quality is necessiary input in this process so society should have a thorough understanding of "Effective Teaching Methods" and "Parameters of Quality".
# Training Programmes -
The National Assessment and Accredition council organised a series of frainy programme to creat a national pool of academicians to carry out the uphill task of Assessment approaches to the teachers NAAC is all set to accredit about 1000 higher education institutions per year. To uphold the credibility of the assessment process, NAAC has evolved many safeguards and protocols. One of the strategies that have ensured the professionalism of NAAC's process is the development of National Cadre of Assessors. The need for introducing into Electronic Assessment and Accreditation process and evolve electronically aided assessment which will facllitate quick assessment. Regional Training programmes on capality building for women leadership and governance in Higher Education also organised for the quick rural development.
# The Challanges and the Quary by Govt. :
The rural and urban India have great challanges for the I.T.sectorGovt. tries to cruare the challanges.
4 Indian Govt. has passed the Act - "Right for Information Act 2005" on 12th oct. 2005.
4 Govt has aimed to import Sobiliion dollars Information Technology softwares.
4 Govt decide to import this not only in America, but also in Japan, Australia, Singapore and othe developing countries.
4 In Global world, IT business developed upto 307 billion American dollars in 1990. It was update with 500 billian American dollars in 1995 and 850 billian American dollar in 2000 which will update with 900 billian American dollars 2008.
4 The main Global market for IT industrics is 50% of Amenrica The Indian software market has special features like competitive market lack of foreign Exchange, early repayment of capital, Technical designing problems, continuous price incrementation, etc.All these situations creat the belon given challenges to the industries.
== To appreciate the good work
India has to create environment for good workers with best salaries and best facilities. So they will not going to foreign countries for best life style.
== To qualify the managers
In global world, best management is the master key of success. With great remuneration, fulfill the demand of country - It is the management view. It can be achieved with co-operation of labour and owner.
== Global Brand and Eavity necessity
In Global market, the brand-name has its specil space for equity necessity. Customer will purchase the item, if he fill requirement of the item - "Use" is the optimum aspect. Producer and Consumer will get the decission jointly.
== Be a Global leader
The manager should take all decision with Global environment The strategies for production will base on theat concept. Thus, all managers have a aim to be a global leader
== Govt. laws for awareness
Indian govt's Information Laws are very notable. Australian Technology Park, Malesia Technology Park, Shikago Technology Park, China Information Technology Park, Scottland Technology Park of India have taken place which give guidenance for Import facilities, Student Computer Scheme, To appriciate and initiative the students for education of Information sectors, To create global Information City and National Information Draft and Sybar law committee for polick making of National Information lows.In India Banglore, Heydrabad, Channai, Noida, Bombay are the Electronic cities which will cover other 1000 cities upto 2010. Gandhinagar is the Informatic city in Gujarat, But it is not so developd only three units are active and five another units are not working complitely their. India surely will be a super power country in base of Informatic Revolution But we have to run fast to achieve the goal conclusion. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) have been playing signifecance role in promoting rural development in the country. The role being played by TV and Radio in Rural education and extension services can not be overlooked. New information and Communication Technologies the enviranment in which a person and as a Community live and interatt, Communication costs are coming down and information flow amony concerned stakeholders has become much quicker. The main object of these communication technologies from a development perspective is that of empovering people through knowledge. It is believed that it would develop in rural people and in communities a learning and innovation capacity that increases the effectiveness of their efforts to improve the quality of their lives. It is argyed rightly by some expert communication specialists that once knowledge is recognized as the fundamental building block of development options for disadvatages communities around the world the role of communication technologies becomes conspicus in this envisioning process. management view. It can be achieved with co-operation of labour and owner.

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